Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Could join the army with a slight speach impedimet?

I am currently 14 years old and through the time i was 9 up until now i have had a speech impediment what i mean by that is i make a sort of clicking sound when i speak some of the time it is mostly on and off some days i will do others i wont, what im getting down to is ever since i was 8 years of age i really wanted to join the army because it is what i grew up around i frequently go to the gym and i have a big build i weigh 160 so pounds and am a linebacker for my school football team id say im in pretty good shape its just i dont know if the speech impedement would decrease my chances of getting into the army id be fine with just being in the infantry i really dont want to be a radioman or anything that requires long instances of communication could id prefer if a person past enlisted, or a recruiter could answer this thanks.

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