Thursday, July 21, 2011

I have IC I am still looking for a Doctor near Warren, Ohio who will give me pain medication?

As for the only person who responded to my question last time was old goat, to you I can honestly say you don't have IC or ever knew anyone who had it. I have been to 3 urologists. I had to go to Cleveland Clinic to find one who could even diagnose me. I take elmiron 3 times a day even though it gives me severe diarrhea and I have to take 12 imodium a day. It does help some with the pain. I wanted the pain meds so I could sleep for more than 2 hours a night without waking up from the pain. I wish there was a cure for IC and tthenn I wouldn't even be asking for pain medication. I also catheterize myself twice a day with lidocaine just to get some relief. So don't you think that I have tried everything possible to treat it without pain meds? I even stick to the strict diet. Thanks for listening.

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