Wednesday, July 20, 2011


my best best friend likes a Muslim guy ! she's Christian ! she has no problem at all with it ! the problem is her parents !! they won't even give her a chance to bring him home so they can meet him ! they won't allow her to go out with him ! they're not usually strict parents but the religion thing drives them crazy !!! she's always sad and crying so is he :S:S and this is so hard to live with !! I don't know what to do ?? do I encourage her to be with him and loose her parents :S:S or just stay on her parents words and try to find a more suitable guy from the same religion ??? thought I really think they're meant to be together I still can't encourage her to fight with her parents ! she might loose him a day and what will be left ?!?!? nothing :(:( pls help I need to know what to talk to her and help her ( sorry for my English I'm not an English speaker )

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