Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I need some help on a important decision. Help?

As long as your MOm has a place to live and you wont be living out of a car or something, I'd say its a no brainer to go with her. You have a great GPA, and if you can pull that off where you are now, you can do it anywhere. Your high school may be better where you are now, but you can only count that a little. Hardly any kids actually have a choice where they go to school. A college (with a GPA like yours, I hope you plan on going, right?) would realize that and wouldnt really be able to hold it against you if you went to a different HS for your Jr and Sr years. Besides, once you get to college, nothing you did in HS will matter. It wont matter if you went to the best or the worst HS in the country. Its a whole new ball game. Beyond that, it sounds like a bad situation with your Dad, and a better school is not worth putting up with all that for.

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