Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do I have a speech impediment?

im 21 yrs old. I had no development problems as a child. Spoke properly as a kid. Then when I was in school in 6th grade(age 13). I remember being humiliated in class during a reading session. I kept faltering on the word 'municipality'. Guess it was nervousness cause it kept getting worse everytime I read the word. Things were back to normal soon. Then slowly I started developing stagefright. And I realized I found it difficult to say some sentences. I just shrugged it off because I thought It was jus a passing phase becoz of nerves. Now I get very conscious of the way I speak and I notice I slur at times n skip words when I try to speak. Is it a neurological defect? Apraxia? I had a ct scan done and it's normal. I was a forcep baby n I do have a dent on my head on the parietal bone of the skull. Is my speech problem psychological? Sometimes When I form a sentence in my head, I just know tht I'm gonna make a mistake with a particular word. I can pronounce those words individually but when I say it in sentential form I screw up! Like I can pronounce 'metadata' but when I have to say something like... Don't forget to get my metadata book... I slur on the last two words.. I miss out on syllables. What is this and is it neurological or phsycholigical ?

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