Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How can I convince my mom to move?

I keep trying to convince my mom to consider moving us,but she refuses.She said it would very difficult to find a house,a lot because of price (we rent).The house we're in now is in a bad location,we only have one house next to us,it makes me feel very stranded.Our neighbor is a girl exactly one year older than me and her divorced father.She has a lot of parties and she's a full-out slut,she and her 20 something friends are often up late and loud.Her family is also very trashy and they yell a lot.They have a tiny dog that yaps a lot,especially at night.I hate the school that I have to go to,it's tiny with strict teachers and stuck up kids.I know everyone there and don't like most of them,I only have a few friends.Plus a lot of rumors were spread about me.Our landlord wants to sell the house,anyway,and has started showing the house.I remember looking for a house before we moved here, there were several we looked at,and there were good ones.I looked online,and there are tons of houses for rent,in our county,that are in our price range.I really want to move,I'm miserable here.How can I try to convince my mom to at least look for a new place?

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