Friday, July 15, 2011

How do the words 邪魔 and drama have resemblance to each other from different languages?

They almost mean the same thing but have completely different meanings. 邪魔 in Japanese is pronounced jama and it means way, interference, hindrance, obstacle, intrusion, obstruction, impediment, deterrent, hitch, restriction, restraint, and encumbrance and drama is kind of like that. In drama, 2 characters want something of the opposite character. One wants one thing and another one wants another thing and in stories, there's always a protagonist and an antagonist. So could it be that 邪魔 and drama have some resemblance to each other basically because the word 邪魔 (jama) can be pronounced just by dropping the jr sound on the first two letters dr in drama and you get the sound of jama? The Chinese word is irrelevant and it means demon because its pronunciation is totally not almost exactly the same anywhere. These 2 words rhyme in English and Japanese and in Chinese, it's pronounced as xiémó.

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