Saturday, July 16, 2011

I fail at school what to do?

Hi yahoo answers. So I have a serious issue here and need help. Im currently a junior in high school and I'm doing horrible here in second semester. I currently have a D+ in physics and C's in Spanish and geometry. I don't know whats happening. I spend a few hours a day studying and I still fail on tests and quizzes. I have a tutor. Also during spanish kids laugh at me and tell me I'm stupid cause I can not speak the language. I have a speech impediment and dyslexia and ADD. My parents are mad at me, as they should be. It has gotten so bad that I have had thoughts of suicide. I know I will never do it but I just think to myself how life would be if I just end it. I'm falling behind in my classes. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to end up in community college which would mark me as a complete failure.

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