Friday, July 15, 2011

I need help please! :[!!!!?

My dad is a really strict guy and never lets me go anywhere unless its to a girls house, im 16 by the way. I went to my boyfriends house and said that i was going to that girls house when i really wasnt so i basically lied to my parents. My dad does read my text messages so he will eventually find out that i have been going to my boyfriends house. Its summer and he lives a good 30 minutes away and i dont understand why i cant ride my bike to see him. when he finds out he will be soo upset and i will be grounded for the whole summer. I just really love my bf ( of 2 years) My mom did catch me riding my bike at like 8 am and she asked me where i was going and i told her that the girl hasnt got up yet and im just riding around and she believed me... Im kinda scared and upset :/

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