Sunday, July 17, 2011

My boyfriend tried to..... should i .......!?

My boyfriend is on the school basketball team along with many people i know and my friend knows. The team (along with me and my friend for support) are in another state for their final games. Theyre all in the same state so the coach rented hotel rooms for each player and us (cuz hes super nice). BTW: were gonna be here for a week, one game everyday. Well, after yesterdays game, they won thanks to my boyfriend, he told me to go up to his hotel room. I figured he had a present for me (considering he always does) but he didnt. I waited up there for about 5 minutes, and then he came in, and we talked for a little. Then he started talking about how much he loves me and stuff (hes mentioned it before but he knows i wanna take things slow.). THEN he kind of grabbed me and started kissing me and making out with me. I tried to push him away but then i felt bad, cuz im rlly strict with him touching me and stuff. I let him do what he wanted. Then he laid me down on the bed and took his shirt off. Honestly, i was super proud of him for winning the game for the team and for being such an amazing boyfriend that i let him do whatever. Well, we continued to kiss with his shirt off, and when he started to get a bboner I stopped. I thought he might go too far. And I pushed him off me and left without saying a word. I feel rlly bad, Idk. I saw him this morning at breakffast and all he said was "good morning jenna, how are you feeling?" and we were silent the rest of the meal. What should i ssay to him? Should i let him have his way today after the game? He invites me up after every game. hes so sweet and ncie and SUPER cute and amazing, but i dont wanna give him the wrong idea

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