Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PLEASE READ PLEASE! Ex gf walked out of my life. The heart ache hurts?

I can't blame her for leaving, I was gone for 3 years and I didn't even get to see her once all we did was talk on the phone, but I couldn't see her because I had to take care of my 3 little siblings while my single mother goes to work while working part time at starbucks when I have time. I love her and i know without a doubt that she loves me. But on saturday that night she said she wanted a "normal relationship" with someone thats there with her and she said I couldn't give her that. I know im 18 and she's 19 but we were friends eversince 7th grade. and we started going out in 9th grade. I love this girl with all my heart. But life kicked me in the big time when I found out we were moving in october in 2008. She said she would always love me and we can make it and I honestly thought I could. When she said she was leaving she said she was tired of waiting. I love this girl so much that everytime she says she loves me I forget to breathe and its the same with her. I just couldn't see her because I have no license because my mom goes to work and I have no transportation, and nethier does she because her parents are strict. I tried to txt her yesterday sayin that "I love u and I always will babe, nd if walking out of my life makes happy you happy then im happy." and she hasn't texted back since. All I want is to hear say she loves me again. All I want to do is hold her in my arms and never let it go. Eversince she left I've been crying 4 times a day and im almost to tears while writing this. I miss her so much. like yesterday I don't normally listen to country music but I was listening to The dance by Garth Brooks for nearly over four hours. I can't get her out of my head. and I can't move on. At my new neighborhood I've tried going out with other girls but I can't because Im trully in love with my ex. Idk what to do

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