Friday, July 15, 2011

What is wrong with me? plz help?

for the past few months i felt everything i do is worthless.. today i got 200mil in rs which i bought (163$).. then i later got scammed and i felt i just waited 600dhs and feel sosad.... ok this isn't the big issue in y i think my life is usless...alot ofother teenagers r having fun out there.... im always at home... the same thing everyday. When i get up.. i go on the laptop and thats basically it. before i used to out tothismall"dubai mall" it was fun... i felt there was something worth it then.. cuz i could show off.. and alotof boys stared at me.. now i do nothing i feel like a slob.. i keep thinking if i stop eating and start being aneroxic ill feel theres something worth livin..plz im crying now plz help me idk wats the point of anything..already had a traumatic life cuz my father had another wife besides mg mum for 11 years.. now idk...idk wat to do.... i dont talk to boys online..cuz im not intrested... i just watch movies... sometimes thtsnot enuf...ieat cerealwith my movie even tho ishud stop eating and i think it willmake me feeel better but itdoesnt....... HELP me plzzz ... iwant tofeel theres soemthing worth living... for something tolook forward to everyday/.. but there isnt anymore plz help... i used to go out with my bff butnow we dont talk anymore... sonow i dont goout anywhere... i have many friends at skool but parents r yea PLZ HELP ME! I WANT TO STOP FEELING LIKE THIS LIKE THERES NOTHING THERE Y IM HERE... IM A SOUL IN THIS BODY..BUTY DIDN'T GOD PUT ME IN ANOTHER BODY... A BODY... WITH FRIENDS... INSTEAD OF THIS BODY WHO WAS DESTINED WITH A PHYSOTI C FAMILY

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