Monday, July 18, 2011

What should I do about my son's tongue tie?

My son just turned three months old and I have been breastfeeding him. However, I have been having issues ever since the beginning. I have spoken to his pediatrician about it and have seen four lactation specialists. It is still rather painful when I breastfeed him and all of the specialists have told me it is not a latch problem. It has left them and myself baffled and me a little hopeless. Well, the last lactation specialist I saw said a big reason for my problems is because it seems that my son has what they call "tongue tie". For those of you that are familiar with tongue tie, could you please lend me some insight on what you think I should do. There is a procedure to correct it and his pediatrician has referred me to a specialist for it, but I don't want to cause him any unnecessary pain but I also know that if I do have it done, that it would help his breastfeeding and also can save him from speech impediments later in life. Thoughts?

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