Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do i tell my parents i'm leaving their church? they have very strong religious beliefs and are very strict?

i was raised going to the first apostolic lutheran church, a very strict church much like the old apostolic lutheran church and other Laestadian chuchs/religions. if you don't know what these are look at this, ,it explains what its like for the most part. my parents believe this is the only right church, the one true religion, and that anyone who doesn't go to this church is an "unbeliever" and will go to hell. i don't believe in the ways of this church anymore, i still believe in God but i don't believe a lot of what they teach at this church, mainly i don't believe that it is the only right church. which is why i want to leave. they have found out about "worldy" things i do, which aren't accepted in their church. i need to tell them that i don't believe the same way they do and i don't go to their church anymore. how do i tell them? i don't know what to say? i'm afraid they will disown me when i tell them :( i love my parents and i don't want to hurt them, which i know it will because they will think i'm going to hell and call me an "unbeliever" or say "i'm not in the faith anymore". but i have to stand up for what i believe in! please help, if anyone out there has been through the same thing, either laestadians (or even ex-amish or mormans would've had to have gone through much of the same thing) please help me out and share your stories!! thank you!

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