Sunday, July 17, 2011

What are my feelings for this guy?

I'm 14 so I know that I can't be madly in love with anyone yet, but I don't think I am anyway. I've been texting this guy for about 2 days and he wants to call me tonight to talk. I've never talked to a guy over the phone before. I'm kinda nervous it'll be like an awkward silence. But anyways, he told me he likes me a lot and I think I like him too. But I'm not completely sure. I don't find him cute or attractive at all but he's very very very sweet and he really cares about me. He's also funny and he always says cute things over text like "i'm texting this really cute girl right now ;)". So as far as the personality part of it, he's definitely my type. One problem is that he just broke up with one of my friends about a week ago and she was really mad at him and still is so I don't know what she would say if she found out I've been talking to him. Another problem is that his parents kinda scare me. They're like really strict with him and I'm scared they wouldn't approve of me. It's not like I'm a bad girl(I'm actually really good, I get straight A's and I don't get involved in any bad influences). I don't know how I really feel about him...HELP?!

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