Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I can't deal with my dad, help?

I don't know why but for a long while now I just don't feel like leaving my room because leaving my room means dealing with my dad. It's not that I hate him, I like to think I don't hate anyone but honestly he is unbearable. When I had my friends over every single time he would unlock my door and just pry himself into my room and start talking to my friends. A lot of you must be thinking "oh that's nothing" but I don't even talk to my dad and the reason he came into my room was because people were there and he likes attention and talking to my friends but they aren't there for him. He is embarrassing and doesn't leave me alone. I tell him to leave my room and he tells me to shutup? Really? I've been nothing but a good girl for 17 years. I've never done drugs, smoked, had sex, nothing. I never really hung out with my friends because he is way too strict, I feel like I'm in prison and I feel so depressed because of it. I remember I was going to have a sleepover with my friend in elementry school and I'd been friends with her for over a year and we were the best of friends. My dad was like if you sleep over her house I'm calling the police.......Really.................Also another thing is during the school year I would hang out with my friends after school for a bit and he would tell me you can't go to their house. I'm freaking 17 years old, there's kids who have sex, do drugs, smoke, drink alcohol, get tattoos, get piercings, dye their hair weird colors, and I can't hang out with my friends........? I've never done anything to betray his trust and you know I'm starting to think I should do whatever the hell I want because I trust and know myself as a person and he doesn't. Don't tell me his intentions are good because you don't know my dad. All he cares about is money and if I'm doing good in school and that's it. He is a raging alcoholic in denial and verbally abusive to everyone especially my mom. He used to beat me and my brothers as kids with belts. He's the only person whose ever been so disrespectful to me in my life other than my brothers but they take after him. I just can't even talk to him, have a normal conversation, he just doesn't know how to act or be a dad. I don't hate him of course not but I just can't bear this situation right now. He makes me depressed. When I was focused on School and I had to sleep early he would argue with my mother late at night very loudly while he was drunk and it angered me because I wouldn't be able to sleep on time thus resulting in me being late to school the next morning. There's only so much a human being can take with all this fighting, verbal abuse, and nonsense. :\

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