Thursday, July 21, 2011

I have IC I am still looking for a Doctor near Warren, Ohio who will give me pain medication?

As for the only person who responded to my question last time was old goat, to you I can honestly say you don't have IC or ever knew anyone who had it. I have been to 3 urologists. I had to go to Cleveland Clinic to find one who could even diagnose me. I take elmiron 3 times a day even though it gives me severe diarrhea and I have to take 12 imodium a day. It does help some with the pain. I wanted the pain meds so I could sleep for more than 2 hours a night without waking up from the pain. I wish there was a cure for IC and tthenn I wouldn't even be asking for pain medication. I also catheterize myself twice a day with lidocaine just to get some relief. So don't you think that I have tried everything possible to treat it without pain meds? I even stick to the strict diet. Thanks for listening.

Black Ops - Ps3 Connection problems?

So when I had my NAT type at strict, the game was working fine, but my friends could not join me with invites or I could not join them, so I had my dad change the NAT type to moderate. My friends still cannot join me and I cannot join them, but also now every game I play I get disconnected. It says "Connection Interrupted" then it takes me back to the game lobby with players in it...apparently, then it says Game Lobby Closed. It does this EVERY game. How can I fix this problem, AND allow myself to play with friends?

Biggest news from E3 2011?

Directv got rid of the G4 channel so i couldnt watch E3 this year. Can you please tell me what all the announcements were for Microsoft and Sony (and maybe even Ubisoft and EA if they had conferences this year). Just list it: games, hardware, announcements, etc. Thank you!

When is the new update for the Xbox 360 coming out?

They announced an update where you can view TV, Youtube, and other new cool things at E3 2011. When is that update coming out?

After a workout my minds gets blank like mental block and what can i do about it?

Eat and drink lots of foods/drinks with protein in it, relax after you work out, make sure you get an average amount of rest 8-9 hours each day. I'll list foods that have protein by the way. Milk, nuts, beans, some energy drinks, and some vegetables.

Questions about singing?

Have some singing lessons!A bad voice can be well-trained!But make sure that your trainer is really an expert when it comes to this field.

Doesn't it bother you that...?

Wwe creative writers can't think of anything else better to poke fun at? What's with all these wrestlers or commentators lines mentioning personal issues lately? I don't get why they must make Michael Cole mention Jerry Lawlers dead mother. But this even started a couple years ago when Eddie guerrero died. A couple months after they made randy orton say "eddie ain't in heaven..he's down there in hell!" and at anther time a few years back batista was all like "eddie's dead. i don't care about him." Its like seriously now kids watch this show (unfortunately -_-) They look up to these wrestlers so its like if they see them making fun of dead relatives and stuff like jack swagger's speech impediment they would think it's ok to make fun of other kids relatives deaths and disabilities. I mean us older people (like over the age of 13) know better not to do things like that but still what are your thoughts on the creative writers making wrestlers say lines like this? Im sure they have the wrestlers permission to say things like that to them (or do they? O_O)

Should i get ocarina of time or the mercinaries?

Ocarina of time is a excellent game,you get used to the controls,and don't fall for everything they say give it a shot.Its long and compelling so you'll be entertained and hooked for a while hope i helped

13 year old taking Yasmin 28 birth control ?

Don't listen to Johnny he must not understand! I'm 14 and I take metmorfin to help regulate my period. I've been on it since I was 13. But it's not working for me so I'm gonna ask my doctor to help regulate my period! I have PCOS. I don't know your problem but I heard that birthcontroll is helpful to regulate periods so yeah

What will I need to sue a private boys school for breaching duty of care a decade ago?

Whether or not you can sue is beyond me. But, in all honesty, it sounds like you are trying to get something you are not entitled to. It was a simple accident, not the school's fault.

What is the greatest impediment to a positive and productive future for the Muslim Middle East?

11....The fact needs to be proven to them that Mohammed was a false prophet, a pedo and simply a murderer. The whole political and religious doctrine of Islam is based on false and misleading doctrine. Until this happens all of other doesn't really matter. It's Momahamed that needs to be based on and the lies of him that need to be exposed on a grand scale. If one can prove this, which it isn't hard to do at all, then this is the only sword we need to cut the binds on these brainwashed people.

Im i shy or autistic?

I'm actually exactly like this except the speech impediment although I do stutter when I'm nervous. I can't go out for more than a few hours or I get very high anxiety. I can't concentrate when I'm talking to new people becauseI'm so nervous as to what they think of how I'm acting (if I'm acting normal standing normal saying normal things?) I always just labeled myself as being socially retarded. I mean in school I was semi popular but I was a nervous wreck on the inside. I only talk to people if I have to. Even with my bf's parents (we've been dating a year) who I know pretty well it's very very hard for me to talk with them. I just like to be alone with my animals in my room or outside riding my horse and I've accepted myself. I mean to get over it I guess I could force myself to talk to new people and go out more and more over time but I don't mind being the way I am. I'm 18 btw

How do I help my adopted brother?

My brother got adopted to my adopted family, he is 37 year old and has autism, my dad found out today and he is staying with us, my dad wants treatments for his autism, he flaps his hands, says the wrong things and cannot initiate or sustain a conversation, my dad wants to treat these symptoms but how do we. His autism is mild as the doctor said and he may never be able to live alone unless he receives treatment and he is jobless as well, he has no job or friends, how do we help him. My dad says we are going to have to send him to the hospital to work with someone on his symptoms, I asked the doctor if he could ever live on his own and he said to me "Give up." and I replied with "What." "There is no hope." I left in tears who can help him, he has clear speech and no speech impediment but has difficulties in communication how can we help him. After I said "What." and left in tears I went back to the doctor and he told me "It's to late, there's not much we can do?" I left again, maybe we should give up and that there is no hope.

What is the best book to use to study for the ASVAB?

Im going to MEPS for the navy and I want to be offered a good job. Something like Electronics Technician. I have over 100 college credits and was told by my recruiter that I would begin as an E3 and that based on my score on the test that I took the day I went in that I wouldn't need to study for the ASVAB. I haven't taken a math course in a few semesters so I told him I wanted a week or so to brush up on my math anyway. So im looking for the best book available to study for it. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you.

Tips and recipes for weight loss?

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

What difference does having an AA when going into the Marine Corps or Air Force.?

I'm planning on joining when I turn 18. I'm a Jr. in HS and I'm about to get my AA. What difference will this make. Will I go in as an E2 or E3. Also what effect will this have if I join the Marines or if I join the Air Force.

Why does E3 use xbox?

Ps3 has blu ray graphics so it would really help present the games more dramatically. I know some of may decide to troll and say xbox is better but that is up for debate. The graphics being better on ps3 is not up for debate. No Comments Just Answers!!!!!

Do you feel the forensic expert/scientist in Casey Anthonys' trial sounded like the raskily rabbit?

no, seriously he had a speech impediment pronouncing his R's like W's Do you feel it made him appear less intelligent? or not?

Financial advice/debt consolidation/refinancing ?

my husband & i have about 5000 dollars in credit card debt. he is the only one working im unable to find a job that suites the hours im able to work. well we purchased a house in may & walked into it with about 80,000 dollars in equity we currently have a 5.74 interest rate. were considering refinancing but were not sure if its to soon to do. we would take out more than 5000 if we refinanced maybe around 10,000 to do some much needed updates to the house. if we don't refinance does debt consolidation hurt your credit? my credit is trash right now because i put my credit cards off to keep his up due to his job being strict on credit issues. i bring in 320 dollars under the table doing yardwork. any advice or options? i just mainly want the credit cards done it would be such a relief! thanks in advanced! last we checked my husbands credit score was around 600 between 624-650

Can a Psychologist help me to rid me self of this anxiety related impediment?

A psychologist can help yiu work towardsgetting better (talking, explaining how you feel, them helping you deal. If drugs are needed for it, youre going to need to see a psychiatrist. (they are the only ones who can prescribe anyrhing.

How do I make my ballet bun look good in class?

Try wrapping half of your pony tail one way and the other half the opposite way around each other, then secure with a ponytail holder. Use lots of bobby pins, hairspray and even gel if necessary!

What should I get 3DS or NGP?

Latley I been wanting a 3DS and since the E3 games were shown I really think i should get that but NGP looks stunning and looks better so what should I get Explain a little....

Jewish guy with part-Arab girlfriend- what should I do?

Unfortunately you cannot make someone change their mind if they are unwilling to do so. All you can do is what's best for you.

My step-daughter can't abide by my house rules. We clash. Do you think my hubby secretly resents me?

To be honest, most Kids of that age are going through the "I'm right your wrong" stage of life, so I wouldn't get to worked up over that, just say hey this is the rule abid by it or pay the consequences, don't go all EVIL MOM on her tho. As for the dad, he probably gets annoyed if you guys are screaming at one another and he's tired of being put in the middle

Are faith and conspiracy theories the biggest impediments to rational thought and common sense?

Credulity is the enemy. Being willing to believe things without good reason almost always causes a problem.

Is 1440 a good sat score out of 2400?

If I remember the scoring right, it puts you in the lower 30-40 percentile. You wont be able to get ivy league and quite possibly not state uni. You can retake it again at a later date however

So should i get a gb xbox 360 in these times?

I wouldn't expect a new Xbox (or Playstation) console for 2-4 years, so you're fine getting one now.

What should I do about this boy I met online?

I wonder what happened to the time when things were virtual and people enjoyed the practical world. I don't believe in even making 'friends' online because when people converse online there couldn't possibly be any genuine feelings and emotions. Just saying. I have a better idea. MEET HIM IN PERSON and get to know him more because who people claim they online are not usually the same in reality ...If you want to continue dating him 'online', then perfect, be the master of your own fate. Just saying.

What's wrong with eloping?

my boyfriend and I have been together for almost four years. I am 27, he's 28. We both work full time, but I'm the only who graduated college with a 4 year degree. my parents have never met him, but they dont approve because he didnt graduate college. I have a really strict old fashion asian mom. Ive decided that since no one really wants to attend a wedding if we had one, that maybe we should elope. Is that a bad idea?

I feel mentally challenged all the I retarded?

Lol well you seem to be able to put paragraphs and words together lol without missspelling major words so no bro I don't think so lol seems like your lacking a lot of confidence kinda reminds me of me a few years back I think I was suffering from a depression stage but yea I eventually got over it and life moved on plus I smoked alotta weed back then lol use to make me paranoid best addvice I can give you is not to worry about it 2 much and go out and do something with your life also try looking at fourms about enzietity and **** like that

Sony move & Infamous 2 Question?

Yes I heard about this.. Sony did not Lie''. you probably was not listening... they confirmed at E3 2011 that inFamous 2 will receive Move support this Autumn. which means later in the year

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My husband says I'm fat, what should I do?

I'm 5"5' and my weight is117lbs, but my husband says I'm too fat and asks me to loose 10 pounds. What would you ladies do and what do you gentlemen think about it? I think even if I switch to more strict diet and extra exercising it will help me to loose weight temporary. Plus I don't see the point of it, I like myself the way I am. Please share your opinion. Thank you everybody!

13 year old on birth control?

The risks for heart attack, strokes and blood clots are, as far as I am aware, mostly only concerning to women roughly double your age and older. Since you were not born with any congenital heart problems as a result of your premature birth it seems unlikely that you would be at any kind of risk for those type of health problems and your doctor should have considered that possibility when they wrote the prescription. If you trust your doctor then it's safe to assume your doctor did indeed consider that possibility.

What are some big video game events that will take place this year?

i already know about e3,and its already over. I want to know if there are going to be any more big video game events any time soon. I am mostly interested in nintendo, and announcements they might make.

Differences and similarities between Sonnet 116 and Sonnet 43?

Make sure that your essay identifies the poems as William Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43. There are numerous poets whose sonnets don't have titles and are therefore traditionally identified by numbers. So it's not enough to give the number; you also have to specify the author.

Should I get the 3DS?

I saw the E3 conference thing this week and I was amazed at the games coming out. Do you think I should get it now, or do the 3DS games that are out right now suck? Just wondering because I finally have enough money...

So what all was announced at E3?

Well I know the new wii was it's got a controller that's touch screen and about the size of the system not really sure it's gonna go all that well though

I have Chronic Tonsilitis What do I do?

The best advice I can give you concerning this topic is to visit your doctor, tell him everything, listen to him, ask him what then to do about it, and if he turns you down visit someone else... If you need a quick fix take ibuprofen, but that should not be your answer... And have them remove your tonsils... you can!

What is the clubbing age in Europe?

My boyfriend and I are going on a trip to Europe this summer, he is 17 and I am 16, we are going to Paris, Dublin, Prague, London, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, and Brussels and were wanting to go clubbing one night when we aren't with our families. Would we be allowed to get into any clubs in any of these cities without our parents or without being carded? are they strict on the age limits there or could we sneak in? If you could give me names of actual clubs too that would be great! and we want to go the real clubs too not jazz ones or anything lame :)

U.S weddings vs English?

Today's Anglican wedding is pretty much what we American Protestants follow here in the states. It was very familiar.

My nat type wont stay open!?

I have opened all the ports needed for my xbox and the games I have. I have tried turning router off and on at times but still, after getting an open nat type, it will eventually go down to strict or moderate. This has a severe impact on my matchmaking and is really annoying. How can I keep it open? I can't open any more ports because they are all already open.

Im i shy or autistic?

As the years go by so does these sorts of problems. You don't sound autistic, more shy. I can totally relate. But now I find I've made more friends and aren't as shy. The only thing you can do is work on it, you seem to have low self esteem. Just try be more confident around other people and think twice before you talk. :)


Okay is this normal I have very thick hair and have a relatively good diet (of greasy fat double fried foods and then busting my *** 3 hours a day on exercise) So anyways! My hair grew 3/4 of an inch... In 2 weeks!!!!! I AM LIKE BUGGING OUT!! I measure it by stick a piece of tap to my part (down the middle) and then to the end of my hair and measure that daily. I do this because my Mom cut my hair short and I hated it so I want to know how long it will be by school. Which is in 2 months is their any reasonable explanation!?!?! I mean I am like STRICT on how I measure it their is no way it's a miss calculation?

Is my ex-boyfriend just screwing with me or does he really like me?

He's immature and i would forget about him! He just doesn't want you dating someone else just so he can feel better about himself. Next time you talk tell him you met a new guy recently and you can't believe how much attraction you two have. That'll make him jealous and show that you aren't waiting around

My boyfriend tried to ... after his big game!? help! AND HIS COACH IS MAD AT ME?!?

It's good to be proud of him and you should let him celebrate a little with you, but it's just a stupid basketball game. It's no reason to give up what you stand for.

My boyfriend tried to.... HELP!!!?

My boyfriend is on the school basketball team along with many people i know and my friend knows. The team (along with me and my friend for support) are in another state for their final games. Theyre all in the same state so the coach rented hotel rooms for each player and us (cuz hes super nice). BTW: were gonna be here for a week, one game everyday. Well, after yesterdays game, they won thanks to my boyfriend, he told me to go up to his hotel room. I figured he had a present for me (considering he always does) but he didnt. I waited up there for about 5 minutes, and then he came in, and we talked for a little. Then he started talking about how much he loves me and stuff (hes mentioned it before but he knows i wanna take things slow.). THEN he kind of grabbed me and started kissing me and making out with me. I tried to push him away but then i felt bad, cuz im rlly strict with him touching me and stuff. I let him do what he wanted. Then he laid me down on the bed and took his shirt off. Honestly, i was super proud of him for winning the game for the team and for being such an amazing boyfriend that i let him do whatever. Well, we continued to kiss with his shirt off, and when he started to get a bboner I stopped. I thought he might go too far. And I pushed him off me and left without saying a word. I feel rlly bad, Idk. I saw him this morning at breakffast and all he said was "good morning jenna, how are you feeling?" and we were silent the rest of the meal. What should i ssay to him? Should i let him have his way today after the game? He invites me up after every game. hes so sweet and ncie and SUPER cute and amazing, but i dont wanna give him the wrong idea. He honestly would never treat me like an object, like seriously, he would only wanna have sex with me cuz he loves me so much. Hes never pushed it, but he did last night. And i threw him off of me and stormed out and i feel super bad. Also hes not a player, he dated one other girl in middle school for about 3 days, then broke up wiht her cuz he wasnt into it. Ive dated him for a while.

Can I still become a radio DJ if I have a speech impediment?

What are my chances of becoming a somewhat popular radio DJ (by 'somewhat popular' I mean making enough to live comfortably) if I stutter?


my best best friend likes a Muslim guy ! she's Christian ! she has no problem at all with it ! the problem is her parents !! they won't even give her a chance to bring him home so they can meet him ! they won't allow her to go out with him ! they're not usually strict parents but the religion thing drives them crazy !!! she's always sad and crying so is he :S:S and this is so hard to live with !! I don't know what to do ?? do I encourage her to be with him and loose her parents :S:S or just stay on her parents words and try to find a more suitable guy from the same religion ??? thought I really think they're meant to be together I still can't encourage her to fight with her parents ! she might loose him a day and what will be left ?!?!? nothing :(:( pls help I need to know what to talk to her and help her ( sorry for my English I'm not an English speaker )

Why do illegal immigrants get government handouts?

i don't see why they get government aid and their kids get into collage much easier then normal american kids.. it pisses me off that a lot of them get away with it too! if we crossed over into mexico (who would want to) but just an example. legal americans would get in way more trouble then they do. if they do get caught all they get is a slap on the wrist sent back over where they can just cross back over again. I think they should start getting MUCH stricter laws on this

Black Ops : DS for a mature 12 year old?

Is black ops DS very violent? It got a Teen rating, but how violent is it? I wanted to get it for a friends 12 year old daughter she likes first person shooter games but her mom is strict on violence she is almost 13

What are some summer activities for middle to high school girls? (details enclosed)?

I work at an Alternative School for court ruled, neglected, and troubled teens, and throughput July, I have to plan summer activities for them. Due to the fact that it's an Alternative School, it is fairly strict and therefore, physical contact is a violation for the kids here. So, I need activities for these teen girls to participate in that lack much physical contact. Some of the ideas we have proposed thus far include Zumba, scrapbooking, movies, and making tie dye shirts. Keep in mind that my co workers and myself are 17 and 18, so maybe something that would be fun for ages 12 to 18? Thank you in advance (:

How can I stop myself from stammering?

Something you might like to try is deliberately talking with your voice pitched either slightly higher or slightly lower than normal.

When is the Tom Clancy Future Soldier Beta?

Okay they showed the game again at e3 so does anyone know when the beta is? Or did I just waste money on Splinter Cell :/

Advice on coping with a speech impediment...?

If most people get embarrassed when they realize the situation then it doesn't seem they are unkind and if they are not unkind you may just want to explain the situation first. I realize that may seem a bit weird but maybe you can try it and see if you feel less embarrassed by explaining the situation instead of having to repeat yourself. That would be if you know someone a little bit. If you're just introducing yourself to someone for the first time ("Hello my name is...") maybe you could just give them your first name.

What was Elmer Fudd's speech impediment?

There was no name for it, he just had a hard time pronouncing the letter R, he would replace it with a W.

I'm unhappy with life. How can I change it?

get a girlfriend and a dog and also buy yourself some flowers. then stare at a wall and tapdance on bubble wrap. eat a taco and apple sa

Slimming legs? (ten points?)?

Don't focus on workouts because that mainly just builds more muscle, while you just want to burn. So simply just run.

Does david zayas have a speech impediment?

I have been watching dexter quite a bit lately and noticed that the character Angel pronounces things oddly sometimes, is it just me? (I know he is hispanic and that he has an accent but i'm not talking about that)

What do you think about this boy...(i met him online)?

Hmmm. I dont know if i would meet him in person. I dont like those dating sites. Most of them are scams. but i would maybe not meat him in person.

Grand theft auto 4 - cant get online because it says district router or whatever is too strict. WHY?

You will have to change settings on your router. You can look up how to do this on google or youtube.

Thighs?! (ten points!)?

Keep at it. When you start exercising, the muscle under the fat gets larger, but the fat is still there. Eventually the fat goes away leaving the muscle.

Do I have a speech impediment or an accent?

Having difficulty pronouncing words which are not a challenge to other people is a sign that something isn't right. There are a couple of choices open to you. One is to consult a speech therapist and find out if that person could help you. Speech therapists help with speech problems which result from medical problems, genetic problems, or other sources. Another possibility is to visit a speech communication instructor at a community college. There might be a course at the college which would be of use to you, and it would be cheaper than seeing a therapist. You might also search for self help materials, such as books, CD's and tapes at online bookstores under the heading "speech therapy." There is also the choice of doing absolutely nothing. As long as other people are able to understand you, you're not doing anything wrong. And remember, unless you are making glaring grammar errors, there is no such thing as "talking correctly." The U.S. is a patchwork of different accents and speech patterns, and they are all "perfectly correct" for the area where they are used. Come on down to east Texas. We'll ask ya if y'all'd lak som flapjacks. And see what happens to anyone who says we aren't "talking correctly." But it's your life, and if it really bothers you, there are choices available to you.

Do I have a speech impediment?

im 21 yrs old. I had no development problems as a child. Spoke properly as a kid. Then when I was in school in 6th grade(age 13). I remember being humiliated in class during a reading session. I kept faltering on the word 'municipality'. Guess it was nervousness cause it kept getting worse everytime I read the word. Things were back to normal soon. Then slowly I started developing stagefright. And I realized I found it difficult to say some sentences. I just shrugged it off because I thought It was jus a passing phase becoz of nerves. Now I get very conscious of the way I speak and I notice I slur at times n skip words when I try to speak. Is it a neurological defect? Apraxia? I had a ct scan done and it's normal. I was a forcep baby n I do have a dent on my head on the parietal bone of the skull. Is my speech problem psychological? Sometimes When I form a sentence in my head, I just know tht I'm gonna make a mistake with a particular word. I can pronounce those words individually but when I say it in sentential form I screw up! Like I can pronounce 'metadata' but when I have to say something like... Don't forget to get my metadata book... I slur on the last two words.. I miss out on syllables. What is this and is it neurological or phsycholigical ?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can we choose whether we are male or female, or does God make that choice?

The post-Christian denominations (PCUSA, Episcopal, ELCA, and United Church of Christ) believe we can choose what sex we want to be, and they see crossdressing or surgical alteration as no impediment to ministry in their churches. Are they right, or was Jesus right in saying that God creates us as irrevocably male or female?

Do atheists believe in the nebular hypothesis more than theists do?

I'm not an astronomer and thus cannot look at or evaluate the evidence for the model. But if most experts agree with it then I'm good.

What was the highlight of the WWE Capitol Punishment pay-per-view+BQ?

BQ: what are your thoughts on a divas elimination chamber in WWE 12? WWE Diva Kelly Kelly appeared at the E3 event and announced that there will be a Divas Elimination Chamber match in the WWE 12 video game. You can watch the announcement at

Student Council Speech?

I'm running for student council tomorrow and i am so nervous for the speech. i have to talk in front of the whole school and I hate public speaking. I had a speech impediment, and I am still bad at talking. Is there any way to remove the jitters?

Always mumbling please help?

Ever since I was a child I've always mumbled. My teeth were really messed up for I had a huge gap between my two upper and bottom front teeth. But when I turned 13 my parents got me braces which helped just a bit. I still mumbled and I'm scared that it's going to be a life long thing. Whenever I get excited, I blurt everything out and it all sounds as if it's mushed together. When I'm nervous my voice becomes shaky and again it's all mushed up mumbling. I don't have braces anymore they helped just a bit but not that much with my speech. I am 17 years old now and want this to stop. Some words I can't pronounce especially if there big ones. It sucks and I'm tired of having to repeat what I say. A lot of my sisters friends who don't know about my mumbling will tease me. So I just tell them I have a speech impediment which I'm not sure in this case is actually true. Is mumbling a speech impediment? What can I do to help this? Thanks for answering!!

Do you think ill make 9th grade cheer?

I know how to do every jump, and i do them really good. and i know how to do my cartwheel and roundoff. should i go back to cheer tumbling classes and learn more tumbling? im going into eigth grade and tryouts are near march. i can learn things really fast and im very flexible. i want to know how to to my backhandspring and tuck before tryouts. but would tumbling help? at my school, coaches are real strict, and i smile and im tight, high jumps, great cartwheel and roundoff, loud voice. but i didnt make it. so do you think ill make 9th grade cheer if i have tumbling?

What are some disabilities on the same level as a speech impediment?

I would say maybe hearing loss or deafness. I know that my hearing loss causes problems with communication for me. That's just what I would do, though :)


Please do not say it was my imagination or conscious. i would bet my life on it that it was REAL. when i was about 8-11 i basically pretended to be a christian to make my mom happy. my mom was very messed up in certain ways but was still a christian and was very strict and hard on me. i didnt want to really be a christian because i didnt want to be like her so i pretended or she wouldve freaked. during this time we would go to many different churchs cause my mom would always say she wanted to find the right one. well most of the time i would get a very dirty look from atleast one of the people. even a lot of my christian teachers would give me a really mean hurtful stare. one time it lasted like 10 seconds. n i was young n didnt know what to do so from acrossed the room i mouthed "what?" and some of the students looked at me then at him to see. and he looked away still looking angry. and we went to this one church for over a year and about 5 times the pastor gave me this terrible mean look like i know better.. all together i probably got atleast 25 looks. and since i was so young and still psychologically developing, this has really molded into my personality.. i knew why each time and it was cause i was a hypocrite. how could they of known unless god told them?? huh??? he basically betrayed me. go ahead and think im stupid or laugh at me but i know what im talking about.. and i was a prettyy bad kid but no one ever saw that side,. i had a lot of built up anger towards my mom and would always go to my room and curse her out in my head when i was like 10. and i would do a lot of other bad things in secret.. this doesnt happen much anymore. i got saved when i was ab 13 but quickly just fell away from god. im now 17 and still, to this day, all those stares and dirty looks has cause me to be extremely self consious and shy. im always afraid and sure that someone is staring at me and knoew me inside out..

Why does anxiety increase a persons heart beat?

If you do nothing about it but ask questions, you will suffer. You have bad blood circulation problems and low blood pressure. I would try to find some plant based magnesium.

Why are people so judgmental of those who commit suicide? Who the hell made it the law that you HAVE to live?

Who the hell made it the law you HAVE to go through all of life's hardships? Maybe some people relish hardships because it provides them a "challenge", but others see it as an unnecessary impediment to happiness. If they desire not to go through crap, why shouldn't they be allowed to end their lives? Just because you are fine with suffering doesn't mean everyone is fine with it. What makes you think you have the right to judge others based on how they see life?

Any good gyms in Austin Tx for girls competitive gymnastics levels 5 and up?

Check out Crenshaw Athletic Club. A friend of mine used to coach there (but it's been a few years). They've been in Austin forever.

Navy Reserve? Can anyone help?

I am about to join the Navy Reserve and I have a couple of questions. I am going in as an E3 because I have a degree. What jobs require you spend most of your time on a ship or carrier? Also is basic training hard? For your two week annual can you request where you go? In your opinion can you tell me about life in the Navy?

I need some help on a important decision. Help?

As long as your MOm has a place to live and you wont be living out of a car or something, I'd say its a no brainer to go with her. You have a great GPA, and if you can pull that off where you are now, you can do it anywhere. Your high school may be better where you are now, but you can only count that a little. Hardly any kids actually have a choice where they go to school. A college (with a GPA like yours, I hope you plan on going, right?) would realize that and wouldnt really be able to hold it against you if you went to a different HS for your Jr and Sr years. Besides, once you get to college, nothing you did in HS will matter. It wont matter if you went to the best or the worst HS in the country. Its a whole new ball game. Beyond that, it sounds like a bad situation with your Dad, and a better school is not worth putting up with all that for.

What if your caught stealing something at e3?

i didn't steal anything from e3 im just asking a question, like for example, lets say you get to try to play on the WiiU than no ones looking so you put the system under your shirt or something, can they track you or something im just curious

To those with social anxiety/OCD/shyness in Journalism, Music, Film or Radio broadcasting?

How did you do it? How difficult was it for you with these obstacles? Looking for advice, useful tips i'm intrigued by these "fields" and want to pursue at least of one of them but shyness OCD ADD are burdening my life and have been for the last 5 years and i also have a speech impediment and i lose my train of thought easily. I don't want these to hold me back from pursing what i want to to pursue. Thank you.

Could join the army with a slight speach impedimet?

I am currently 14 years old and through the time i was 9 up until now i have had a speech impediment what i mean by that is i make a sort of clicking sound when i speak some of the time it is mostly on and off some days i will do others i wont, what im getting down to is ever since i was 8 years of age i really wanted to join the army because it is what i grew up around i frequently go to the gym and i have a big build i weigh 160 so pounds and am a linebacker for my school football team id say im in pretty good shape its just i dont know if the speech impedement would decrease my chances of getting into the army id be fine with just being in the infantry i really dont want to be a radioman or anything that requires long instances of communication could id prefer if a person past enlisted, or a recruiter could answer this thanks.

I failed some of my exams?

Well done for the good marks you have got. Target the subjects you feel weaker on by getting revision guides and going to revision lessons next year. Find yourself a group or activity to do outside school, bowling, dancing, youth group, volunteering, photography, anything you are interested in. You are doing ok for a year 10 pupil. You are going through a stage of growing up and every one feels like this sometimes. Try and enjoy yourself and make the most out of year 11.

Lower abdominal/stomach ache/pain?

ok i have weird stomach aches in the lower part of my abdominal. during December i was on a diet, low carb/no carb diet. i was going for about 2 weeks. then my cousins came from florida and i continued my diet but then one day i cheated. that night i cheated i had the worst stomach ache i've ever felt. it was sharp pains, i was on the john, and my stomach was killing me, i was breathing very deeply like i could'nt breath. then i went #2 and my stomach felt like it was in HEAVEN!!! literally, it felt so good lol. anyways i had one stomach ache after that, but it wasnt that bad it was a regular one from to much mixing of foods. during the months between december and now, i've been on a strict diet, and for this pass week, my stomach hurt everyday once a day for like 5 minutes and then i would go to the bathroom and feel better. then just yesterday, i woke up, and was twisting and turning, at around 8 o'clock in morning i woke up to go to the bathroom and had the sharpest pains, i was yet again breathing deeply, i didnt end up going, so i took some pepto and went to bed, woke up 15 min later, and finally went, my stomach was alot better but then i got that feeling of emptiness so i went to bed and slept for another four hours. i then work up and felt so much more better just felt very hungry. then just today i went to the bathroom once alot then a little twice after i had an omelette. but the pain is in my lower abdominal to middle abdominal like in the stomach though, its not like the pancreas or gall bladder so i dont think i have gall stones or pancreatitis. so is it just cause of my diet, my diet is low carbs and 5- 6 meals a day but lower quantity. im 14 years old, 245 lbs 6'-6'1'', i know im a little big so thats why im on a diet, but i have most muscle only my stomach has alot of fat my legs arms and chest are pretty built. so what could the stomach aches be? thanks

I really dread a lesson I have once a week at school:(?

If you have a teacher in his 60's you could phone the school to complain. Also, you can get your parents to phone the school to drop the subject. You could wait a little while until you're allowed to drop it. There are many options but these are most likely the best.

When is "The holiday season"?

The PS Vita was announced at E3 and they said it was coming out "this holiday season". Living in the UK, this could mean anything. we have lots of little holidays instead of 2 simesters. 10 points available. :)

Will Skyrim be PEGI 18?

I probably will not be allowed to get it if it is an 18 and i know that brotherhood was going to be an 18 and suddenly it was made a 15 but after looking at e3 gameplay do you think it could be a 15?

Are you going to watch E3 2011?

I watched it! There were some important things you missed out on! Catch up on them! There's a new Nintendo console, a new Playstation handheld, and much more!

What are your opinions on a deaf person deciding to become voice-off?

Do Not Go Voice Off !! what ever You have , fight to keep it. go the other way around get in use with the people whom believe You are not deaf...

Can you help me find some treatment for me impediment?

My first guess is a "B" vitamin deficiency, caused by a junk food diet, and stress. (That is oversimplification, but a good place to start)

What should I do about my speech?

I talk different then most Idk if it's a impediment I'm 17 I'm sick of being made fun of it I've been in several fights over it because I'm sick of being made fun of it so any suggestions

Will there be an Assassin's Creed: Revelations Demo?

I saw the E3 game play, and I was wondering if they were going to release a public Demo on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Thanks :)

What Means Frostbite 2 ?

everybody say that battlefield 3 is in frostbite 2 . i looked the e3 presentation of battlefield 3 and the gameplay so now i am the fan of battlefield 3 :D it would be the best first person shooter game ever . so the man in presentation said that battlefield 3 is on frostbite 2 . what it means ?

Who do you think will win E3 this year?

Here's my thoughts: Skyrim, modern warfare 3, mass effect 3 and metro last light. What do you think?

Do you think this would be an ok workout plan?

You should download some insanity videos or p90x videos. But you want to lose weight. Go for cardio, Insanity. Insanity is super intense cardio. You lose weight and tone your body. You'll find those videos in my source. Just type in Insanity on that website and download. You'll definitely lose weight if you do these videos for even 2 weeks. Just make sure you stack up on fruits and eat healthy. Don't Cave.

Can I write off Invisalign as a business expense to correct a speech impediment as a voice-over artist?

I am looking into getting Invisalign to correct my bite/crowding. I know a portion of it is probably tax deductible as a non-cosmetic procedure since it will improve my overall dental health, but could I also write it off as a business expense? I am a voice-over artist, and feel the treatment would improve a slight lisp caused by the misalignment of my teeth and consequently improve the quality of my services.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Battlefield 3 confirmed weapons. ?

What are the confirmed weapons of battlefield 3 so far. I've followed it on E3 but haven't seen anything new.

What was the name of the song played in the Assassins Creed: Revelations trailer during E3?

I am not really sure, but I heard that all the sound track are going to be one the game! So if you buy the game you have all the features and i mean all.

After a workout my minds gets blank like mental block and what can i do about it?

Maybe you are short of potassium, you should try to eat 1 or 2 bananas before you go work out. I know it's hard to slow down workout, I can't either lol. And I know it's really annoying while other do harder workouts and have no problems, but I have read and heard that those symptoms can be really dangerous. It will get really dangerous when you pass out or puke, puke blood or you can get internal brain bleeding, which can lead to dead in just a hour. You should really go see a doctor or a physiotherapist.

Where to get non impediment certificate in india?

i am an india planning to marry my finnish gf in finland on tourist visa.. i need certificate of non impediment in india before goin to finland. so guys please tell me where and how to get the certificate of non impediment in india? detail process of getting it..

I have a friend (let's call him Schmecky) who seems to have developed late onset Tourettes Syndrome?

Don't you have anything better to do? Jokes about debilitating neurologic disorders get very old, very quickly, especially for people like ME who have them. Don't be a friking idiot, find something better to do. Like volunteer work or a summer camp on science or sports or something, anything, so your brain doesn't rot and turn to mush. No, that doesn't actually happen, but I'll say this: you're wasting an awful lot of gray matter and brain cells making dumb jokes that are only insulting to a disabled minority group and make you sound incredibly unintelligent. Tourette Syndrome isn't a "cursing disease."


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim won't come out until November so you still got a while to wait. Mass Effect 3 won't come out until March 2012. If you like sci-fi shooters, get Mass Effect 1 and/or 2 (they're both like $20 for 360 now). If you're into medieval stuff, get The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion at like $20 or $30. I only played little of Mass Effect but I played a lot of Oblivion so right now get Oblivion first!

Am i insane? help plz?

you need some professional help go to a pastor at a local church you need God start reading the bible God loves you and wants to help you in anyway!

Is this a good enough reason, and will she understand?

hi, i really want to move schools because i am not popular (not even marjonally) and seen as a below-social status girl. i am scared that i will never get a boyfriend or be treated normally by other "cooler" kids. i just feel miserable about my social status and want to start a fresh and meet new people. but i dont know whether this reason is good enough if i tell my mum that i want to move (she is quite strict) i dont know whetehr this will affect my chances of moving school in the future either. also the only other school that is marginally next to us is one that is lower than the one i go to on the academic league table. please help!

My ex friend just said I'm changing?

This guy who used to be a really good friend of mine just messaged me out of the blue and said I was changing, that I now have an effed up attitude, and is saying I'm depressed and shat like that. I don't even know how to respond without saying something really rude. This past year I've matured a lot, and I've started making new friends who are way more accepting of the fact that I'd like to grow up. My ex friend is really immature (ex: he was laughing at this guy that had a speech impediment) and he can be extremely rude to me, so I cut him out of my life a while ago. How can I tell him, politely, that I'm changing for the better?

SO I just noticed and put two and two together that my girlfriend is EXTREMELY similar to my mom!?

It's very psychologically common to be attracted to someone much like your mother, as it is for girls to be attracted to someone much like their father. She seems like a great person and honestly, if you think about it, that is kind of a list of things people DO. Nothing uncannily out of the ordinary. Good luck!

Flaunt Modeling Agency asked me to come in to register for them...what should i wear?

I am going in for the commercial print aspect of the agency. So yes I would be a petite commercial model. What should I wear though??? I am 5'2' and 105 pounds but i know for commercial print they obviously arent strict with height or weight. also i am 19 years old. what should i wear???

In your opinion, at which point in American History did the Political Left become intrinsically "traitorous"?

At what point in America's (recent?) history did the Left disavow patriotism and classical American values and begin to perceive America as both inherently evil and an impediment to world peace?

Should I come out to my mom?

I am 14 years old and bi sexual . I have been for months . I am scared to come out to my parents because they are strict about me dating boys. I guess I am worried that they will not let me hang out with my real friends not people I am attracted to because i am bi. They think that all the Boys that I hang out with are my boyfriends . I just don't want to not be able to hang out with anyone help?

How long will it take to get rid of my speech impediment?

Well, i don't know what my speech impediment is called, but it means i can't pronounce words properly, and my voice sounds a little weird, even when i pronounce it properly. I don't articulate well and i have a bit of a nasal voice. I'm not tongue tied, but i sometimes fall over words, which isn't stuttering, its just it goes weird, but that's since my therapy when i've been trying to fix it. I've got exercises that i'm meant to do every day, that include practicing the words, and practicing articulation as well. If i do these everyday, and have a speech lesson once a week (though she usually is about drama, as she doesn't have time to do it privately for me) how long do you think it will take for me to overcome it? And do you have any tips to help me?

My boyfriend smokes..should I break up with him?

So I started to date this guy and I believe he was mister perfect until today when I saw him smoking while walking home. I thought he was the best guy in the world, which he is! He loves everything I do and he's really sweet, but I'm afraid. My grandfather died from lung cancer and heart disease and my grandmother had smoked but she quit after her husband died. My parents are really strict about smoking and so am I, so should I break up with him for it? My dad told me it took his father to die for his mom to stop, so I shouldn't even try. What should I do?

Are you journeying for freedom?

But you're already free you say? Thoughts are impediments to seeing your own face. Don't give rise to any thought, and discover who you are.

Battlefield 3 or MW3?

I'm personally leaning a little more towards battlefield 3, the single player footage looked a lot more engaging then the mw3 video, but I guess it all comes down to the multiplayer. Somebody was at e3 was talking about the mw3 multiplayer being more tatical and balanced this time around, but I think that I'm still going to have to rely on battlefield for my multiplayer needs.

I'm going to have a emotional breakdown!! Help?

Yeah, this sounds sooooo believable. So, your boyfriend just happened to go into her house for a shower??? Happens all the time!

How can i feel that theres something worth living for?

Watching tv or movies makes you more depressed! Going on the computer is really bad too! Clean yourself up and go to the mall! You have no idea how lucky you are to be living near the Dubai mall! You there with your friends and try to smile and laugh! If your parents don't let you go to the mall, then just go outside and hang out with your friends. Text or call your friends to make plans! Good luck!!!!

How to improve talking?

Well, this is common,and normal. She will likely have good days and bad days. Nothing much u can do but encourage her, and make her feel honored and special to u.

I'm looking to erase my debt financial advice?

my husband & i have about 5000 dollars in credit card debt. he is the only one working im unable to find a job that suites the hours im able to work. well we purchased a house in may & walked into it with about 80,000 dollars in equity we currently have a 5.74 interest rate. were considering refinancing but were not sure if its to soon to do. we would take out more than 5000 if we refinanced maybe around 10,000 to do some much needed updates to the house. if we don't refinance does debt consolidation hurt your credit? my credit is trash right now because i put my credit cards off to keep his up due to his job being strict on credit issues. i bring in 320 dollars under the table doing yardwork. any advice or options? i just mainly want the credit cards done it would be such a relief! thanks in advanced! last we checked my husbands credit score was around 600 between 624-650

P90X made me GAIN weight!!! HELP!?

you gained weight because you gained more muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Dont worry about weight worry about If you LOOK fat or not

What should I do about my son's tongue tie?

My son just turned three months old and I have been breastfeeding him. However, I have been having issues ever since the beginning. I have spoken to his pediatrician about it and have seen four lactation specialists. It is still rather painful when I breastfeed him and all of the specialists have told me it is not a latch problem. It has left them and myself baffled and me a little hopeless. Well, the last lactation specialist I saw said a big reason for my problems is because it seems that my son has what they call "tongue tie". For those of you that are familiar with tongue tie, could you please lend me some insight on what you think I should do. There is a procedure to correct it and his pediatrician has referred me to a specialist for it, but I don't want to cause him any unnecessary pain but I also know that if I do have it done, that it would help his breastfeeding and also can save him from speech impediments later in life. Thoughts?

Saturn LW300 Radio Not Working?

If the car sat for that long, the battery went dead. A dead battery is interpreted but the radio has 'Somebody cut the power wire & is trying to steal me !!", so it locked-up. Call a Saturn dealer & see what you need to provide to get the key to turn it back on.

Can I delete content from the 3DS Home Screen?

Can I remove some of the stuff I have downloaded on my 3DS? I downloaded the E3 Launch Trailers and I watched them but I no longer want the cluttering up my Home Screen. I can't find a way to remove them though...?

Who was most impressive at E3 this year: Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony?

Totally not Microsoft. Sony had the awesome vita to show. Nintendo had the Wii U to show. Honestly it depends on which you wanted to see and which one you have been waiting for. They are different, one is a handheld one is a home console.

How would i reword this and also add more?

Chinese agriculture was the most advanced in the world during the 18th century. However, cheap labor in the densely populated Chinese land brought on the need for widespread use of machinery for the countryside. New fruits such as potatoes, peanuts, corn, special maize, and sorghum millet from the Americas helped the Chinese population obtain better, longer-lasting nourishment. In addition, these crops could be used in industrial agriculture, further stimulating private entrepreneurship, general employment, and the agricultural economy. Other crops of great use include: tea, cotton, and sugarcane.

Where is FM School Located for HMFM 8404 Reservists located on the East Coast?

I've been Told either Camp LeJeune or Camp Johnson.....How long is C School? What type of rules and regulations should I expect? Is it as strict as Basic? Is it as free as Phase 3 in A school? What Should I expect ? Will I be able to leave base at all? At Night after training or on weekends? Will I have my cell phone and computer to stay in contact with my wife and child?

How do I get rid of my annoying voice?

Try talking to a voice coach. They can figure out what it is that makes your voice grating for people to hear, and offer you some tips on how to improve it. Stuff like breathing, enunciation, tone, etc. I can imagine how frustrating it must be, but you don't have to feel stuck with it.

Can an online store know your age from your bank card?

I am worried about a friends duaghter who is under age buying fags from the internet, as she is a lovely girl and i want to help he give up smoking. I am wondering whether she is using her mum's bank card or something, as it thought the company she is buying off who are strict about minors would be able to tell that it is someone underage?? The stuff is send by royal mail ( we live in the UK ) not a Currier. Can an online store know your age from your bank card??????????

How people get into the E3 Expo. *please read on?

I know that to get into E3 one has to either work in the game industry or in the press that covers it, but as I was watching the E3 coverage on G4, IGN, etc. I keep seeing a lot of people in the background that don't look like either of those thing. For example I see extremely, for lack of better words, nerdy people that are like carrying around bookbags and are cheering for the cameras. I have determined that they are not journalists because, if they were press, they would have press badges and would be out doing their job( you know "press stuff"). I doubt they are developers or any of that sort; they just don't look like they would be because, like the journalists, they would be at their demo stations etc. So please Yahoo answers "Enlighten" me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do I help my adopted brother?

My brother got adopted to my adopted family, he is 37 year old and has autism, my dad found out today and he is staying with us, my dad wants treatments for his autism, he flaps his hands, says the wrong things and cannot initiate or sustain a conversation, my dad wants to treat these symptoms but how do we. His autism is mild as the doctor said and he may never be able to live alone unless he receives treatment and he is jobless as well, he has no job or friends, how do we help him. My dad says we are going to have to send him to the hospital to work with someone on his symptoms, I asked the doctor if he could ever live on his own and he said to me "Give up." and I replied with "What." "There is no hope." I left in tears who can help him, he has clear speech and no speech impediment but has difficulties in communication how can we help him. After I said "What." and left in tears I went back to the doctor and he told me "It's to late, there's not much we can do?" I left again, maybe we should give up and that there is no hope.

Relationships and Religion! The Two R's! Help !?!?

Break up immediately! Marrying someone who does not have the same religious belief as you is a major NO NO. Although you may not be so observant in your religion and nor may he, it is still very bad to mix the two. PLEASE! For the sake of your relationship and your future relationships, find a nice man who is within your same religious beliefs. Although it may be hard now, you are saving much pain in suffering that will occur in the future.

My boyfriend tried to..... should i .......!?

My boyfriend is on the school basketball team along with many people i know and my friend knows. The team (along with me and my friend for support) are in another state for their final games. Theyre all in the same state so the coach rented hotel rooms for each player and us (cuz hes super nice). BTW: were gonna be here for a week, one game everyday. Well, after yesterdays game, they won thanks to my boyfriend, he told me to go up to his hotel room. I figured he had a present for me (considering he always does) but he didnt. I waited up there for about 5 minutes, and then he came in, and we talked for a little. Then he started talking about how much he loves me and stuff (hes mentioned it before but he knows i wanna take things slow.). THEN he kind of grabbed me and started kissing me and making out with me. I tried to push him away but then i felt bad, cuz im rlly strict with him touching me and stuff. I let him do what he wanted. Then he laid me down on the bed and took his shirt off. Honestly, i was super proud of him for winning the game for the team and for being such an amazing boyfriend that i let him do whatever. Well, we continued to kiss with his shirt off, and when he started to get a bboner I stopped. I thought he might go too far. And I pushed him off me and left without saying a word. I feel rlly bad, Idk. I saw him this morning at breakffast and all he said was "good morning jenna, how are you feeling?" and we were silent the rest of the meal. What should i ssay to him? Should i let him have his way today after the game? He invites me up after every game. hes so sweet and ncie and SUPER cute and amazing, but i dont wanna give him the wrong idea

Any news will Sony will let you play PSP games on the PS3?

Its been announced this feature will soon be ava I've been working and I missed most news on this feature any updates from e3 or elsewhere?

Which game will you be getting; Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

@Mark Etholic GASP! YOU CAN SPELL! But seriously, Battlefield 3. For me, the whole Call of Duty series became the same dull thing after 4. Modern Warfare was the high point, and now it's like Micheal Bay took control and started ruining it like he did Transformers. Battlefield on the other hand has a strong community that's respected a lot by the games developers. It really goes to great lengths to make sure that you, the player, are having the most fun you possibly can out of it. Then you look back at Call of Duty, which doesn't release betas before the games released, just in case someone finds a crippling bug and that causes more people to decide not to buy it. All they care about is raking in the money for their own benefit. Also, they took away dedicated servers. Not cool.

Chronic headaches, random nausea, hearing loss are all signs of what?

what is wrong with me? ive been having the worst headaches and the get worse gradually throughout the day. i'm nauseous randomly, not all day, but sometimes i get nauseous out of no where. i am also losing hearing in my left ear, and i have had random speech impediments, too. this has been happening for like a month and a half now.. should i see a doctor? what is wrong with me?

Spanish Helpful Hints?

Primary, foremost and most important - learn how to properly pronounce Spanish vowels, which look like ours but sound as ah-a-e-o-ooh, not aeiou, yes it's mixed up and confusing but once you acquire the skill of proper pronunciation of Spanish vowels, all your pronunciation will improve. Need further help?

How do guys feel about girls with speech impediments?

To be honest, I have always been self-conscious about my voice. I kinda sound like Elmer Fudd but with a high pitched voice. Do guys find this annoying?

I'm a muslim and my parents are very strict. They've been pressuring me into getting married, but I don't want?

to. A few men have asked for my hand in marriage and I've said no to all of them. They are trying to bribe me by saying that I won't be allowed to go to Cornell, which I was accepted to. Can they do that? And I'm afraid that even if they can't, they won't give me their financial information to pay for my future years in Cornell

Will someone please explain this too me?

Who's to say that we do have that genetic defect and that humans before that act of incest were very different from us. If everybody on Earth has the same defect, it isn't abnormal.

All jokes aside, does Ozzy have speech impediment or some sort of aphasia or something? is he so f-ing hard to understand?? I watched an interview from 1990 and he sounds the exact same. there wer subtitles wtf is wrong with him, or is this just how he is?

Doesn't it bother you that...?

Wwe creative writers can't think of anything else better to poke fun at? What's with all these wrestlers or commentators lines mentioning personal issues lately? I don't get why they must make Michael Cole mention Jerry Lawlers dead mother. But this even started a couple years ago when Eddie guerrero died. A couple months after they made randy orton say "eddie ain't in heaven..he's down there in hell!" and at anther time a few years back batista was all like "eddie's dead. i don't care about him." Its like seriously now kids watch this show (unfortunately -_-) They look up to these wrestlers so its like if they see them making fun of dead relatives and stuff like jack swagger's speech impediment they would think it's ok to make fun of other kids relatives deaths and disabilities. I mean us older people (like over the age of 13) know better not to do things like that but still what are your thoughts on the creative writers making wrestlers say lines like this? Im sure they have the wrestlers permission to say things like that to them (or do they? O_O)

How do i tell my parents i'm leaving their church? they have very strong religious beliefs and are very strict?

i was raised going to the first apostolic lutheran church, a very strict church much like the old apostolic lutheran church and other Laestadian chuchs/religions. if you don't know what these are look at this, ,it explains what its like for the most part. my parents believe this is the only right church, the one true religion, and that anyone who doesn't go to this church is an "unbeliever" and will go to hell. i don't believe in the ways of this church anymore, i still believe in God but i don't believe a lot of what they teach at this church, mainly i don't believe that it is the only right church. which is why i want to leave. they have found out about "worldy" things i do, which aren't accepted in their church. i need to tell them that i don't believe the same way they do and i don't go to their church anymore. how do i tell them? i don't know what to say? i'm afraid they will disown me when i tell them :( i love my parents and i don't want to hurt them, which i know it will because they will think i'm going to hell and call me an "unbeliever" or say "i'm not in the faith anymore". but i have to stand up for what i believe in! please help, if anyone out there has been through the same thing, either laestadians (or even ex-amish or mormans would've had to have gone through much of the same thing) please help me out and share your stories!! thank you!

What are my feelings for this guy?

I'm 14 so I know that I can't be madly in love with anyone yet, but I don't think I am anyway. I've been texting this guy for about 2 days and he wants to call me tonight to talk. I've never talked to a guy over the phone before. I'm kinda nervous it'll be like an awkward silence. But anyways, he told me he likes me a lot and I think I like him too. But I'm not completely sure. I don't find him cute or attractive at all but he's very very very sweet and he really cares about me. He's also funny and he always says cute things over text like "i'm texting this really cute girl right now ;)". So as far as the personality part of it, he's definitely my type. One problem is that he just broke up with one of my friends about a week ago and she was really mad at him and still is so I don't know what she would say if she found out I've been talking to him. Another problem is that his parents kinda scare me. They're like really strict with him and I'm scared they wouldn't approve of me. It's not like I'm a bad girl(I'm actually really good, I get straight A's and I don't get involved in any bad influences). I don't know how I really feel about him...HELP?!

Should i go army or air force?

I am about to graduate and i know i want to join the military but i know i don't have the grades for the air force officer program. so which do you guys think would be better go into the army as a officer or to the air force as a e3, and which would be more flexible with me also wanting to go to law school while in the service. Any help will be greatly appreciated

How long does Manic Panic semi-permanent last?

Manic Panic is practically permanent on prelightened hair. The color will fade over time (like more than a month), but you usually have to bleach it again to get all the color out.

Do I have a speech impediment?

Sometimes (quite often) when I try to talk, my words will come out slightly slurred or jumbled. I can see clearly what I want to say in my mind, but when I say it I end up fumbling over my words. It's worse when I'm nervous, but it happens when I'm completely at ease too. Is there any way to identify what's specifically wrong or why it happens?

What Is This Speech Impediment?

Its called bad habit. you should familiarize yourself with talking slowly, and clearly. IF you have to, talk to yourself when no one else is around.

Is it excusable for a grown up to have a lisp?

People should take responsibility for their own speech. There's nothing wrong with talking with a lisp if you are actually homosexual, but it's homophobic and offensive for a straight person to do it. You should consider the feelings of other people who think you're mocking them before you talk that way. It may seem like a minor thing, but it can be really hurtful to hear people talk that way.

Recommend good graphics card?

Not gonna happen bro, you have to get a new laptop, or you could build a desktop, or just get a console and buy it for that.

English help? please?

Help does not mean doing your assignment for you. Help means checking your assignment for accuracy after you have completed it.

How hard is combat weatherman to become?

It seems interesting and I can't do tacp or cct because of a small speech impediment sp how hard is combat weatherman what's it's washout rate

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do you roll your R's?

I found it impossible to roll my R's. I honestly think it's just something that people are born with.

In your opinion, who won E3 2011 this year?

I just to said that a win of X Box 360, Sony, Nintendo and PlayStation is game of technology that made microsoft in a world.

Is it normal for a 12 year old girl to masturbate?

So ok, this is kinda awkward but it’s been bothering me for a while and I feel like it might be affecting my life because I just can’t make a decision that I think is right. Well ok, so when I was twelve in the summer, when I had just really learned about sex, I kinda discovered how to masturbate. I felt kinda bad about it but it felt really good so I kept doing it throughout the summer and when school started again. I even went on a porn stage but I knew it was wrong so I stopped soon. So then like at school some perverted guys were talking and they started asking girls at my table if they ever touched themselves and they all were ewwing and said of course not, so then I started to think I was a pervert or like a freak and I felt really weird and awkward at school and at home. So then I turned 13 a week ago and I promised myself that I would never do something like that again but I really want to do it again cuz it felt really good but im confused now. I come from a really strict family, youngest of three girls, and I feel like an outcast and like im doing something wrong. So I was just wondering, am I normal? Will I hurt myself? Will this affect my relationships later on? Is it okay for me to do it again?? I just don’t want to make a bad decision but I still want to get over it…

Give some advice about this guy I met online!!?

Well he has'nt come up with the idea to meet because he did'nt know you would be moving closer. I suspect if he did he would mention it. If that was me, I would be wondering all the time if we should have met, what he be like etc. Mention in conversation you 'might' be offered a position to move closer, his first answer should be great - we can meet up. If he does'nt say that straight away, he obviously does'nt want to meet. He may have a mrs he has'nt mentioned.

What causes homosexuality?

K, I'm not a homophobe. Seems like the gay marriage issue has been in the news a lot more in the past few years. I have a strict policy with myself that I do not take a stand on any political or social issue until I feel like I understand it. I won't accept the Lady Gaga answer of "I was born this way", if homosexuals are born this way, why? Maybe some are born with it, and maybe others develop it later in life, I don't know, I'm completely in the blank on the issue. Honestly, I doubt there is anybody who really understands what it is. The thing that confuses me about homosexuality is its place in the world from an evolutionary perspective. I know homosexuality has been observed in several species, but if a species adapts over time to increase its likelihood of reproducing (some of those adaptations being quite subtle) why would so many individuals outright reject reproduction altogether, and mate with the same sex? Isn't that counterproductive to the biological purpose of life? I'm not trying to argue against homosexuality, I'm just writing down my thoughts and hoping someone can enlighten me. I know it is frowned upon to suggest that homosexuality could be a disorder, but if it is natural, as the gay rights groups suggest, what is its evolutionary role?

Would you date a guy with a speech impediment?

I am 16 I have 2 speech impediments one is apraxia that means I cannot say some sounds or words right and I stutter alot too. I am scared of no girls like me because of this 2 problems.thanks jake

What are quick easy ways to gain weight? and it doesn't necessarily have to be healthy?

Drink less water(water speeds up metabolism an makes you fuller so you don't eat as much) don't excercise, eat junk food an sit on your butt!

How can I talk to my parents about this situation?

I'm a 16 yr old girl with a boyfriend, I'm on two cheer squads, & I have a younger sister who I have been babysitting for the past 4 years everyday in the summer. My parents say they trust me but I strongly believe they don't. I haven't done anything wrong to lose their trust and they know who my friends are and know that we aren't a group of reckless teenagers. I don't do anything during the week because of babysitting all day everyday & then practicing in the evenings & coming straight home after wards. I only see my friends friday, saturday, & sunday only for a few hours if i'm lucky. My dad is very over protective & doesn't like the idea of me having a boyfriend so I haven't told him about my boyfriend yet. I'm always afraid to ask to hangout with people because I feel like my parents are bothered I want to go out. When I do go out my dad will constantly question my mom about who i am with, what i'm doing, when am i coming home. If it was up to him, he wouldn't let me go anywhere. My mom on the other hand gives me a little more freedom but is still also strict, she once told me I had to be home by 11 but then said 10 because my dad was complaining i had been gone for 2 hours. & when i get home at 8 from practice & i ask to go to a bonfire being held at a friends house i'm not allowed to go because it's 'too late' on a summer night and the next day i'll just be at home babysitting. My mom has also told me I am not an adult so i'm not supposed to be gone all day with my friends & that i'm still a kid. Well aren't kids supposed to be hanging out with their friends during the summer & enjoy their free time off school? If that's the case, that most certainly is not true for me. I feel like she is influenced by my dad. When I try leaving to hangout with someone they try making me stay home a little longer before leaving & then constantly text me to come home because my dad is complaining i've been gone too long, when it's only been about 2 hours. One time when they weren't home & I just got back home, my mom actually called the house phone to see if I really was home or if I was lying. My parents have never talked to me about a curfew. I am frustrated of having to babysit everyday in the summer and never being able to hangout with my friends except maybe for 2 hours only on the weekends. During the week the only time I really go out is to go to practice and then come straight home. I feel like my parents don't trust me even though I have done nothing wrong to lose their trust. & I'm frustrated that I can't tell my dad of my boyfriend because I rarely hangout with my boyfriend & I feel like my dad will become even more protective of me. I don't like asking my parents to hangout with people because my mom tries changing the subject and my dad will constantly question where I am even though I tell them. When I babysit at home everyday, I do house chores as well everyday. My mom knows about my boyfriend, but doesn't want me to tell my dad because I he will get angry to find out about him, but I never get to see my boyfriend during the summer. My boyfriend & I hangout once or twice every week. & that's it. I don't get paid for giving up my whole summer, yet I don't get the advantage to hangout with my friends every now and then. I have been wanting to talk to them about this whole thing because it's barely the third week of summer & i'm already going to be losing my mind. I just don't know what to tell them, to make them understand how I feel and take me seriously. I feel that no matter what I say to them they will use it against me & say i'm wrong because i'm a kid and I don't know what i'm talking about. Any advice?

Can you please analyse my poem?

I remember these poems :) but not the author(s), or what my analysis' of the two were.. i'm sorry i couldn't be of more help, heidi.

A boy I don't know called me fit, HELP?!?

Okay so I was on FB, and a boy I vaguely know (He goes to a different school) Sent me a message saying 'whoaa ur fit xxxxx' (copied exactly) he is kinda cute, and he asked for my number. He gave his to me first, so I texted him and such, I dunno if he's gonna ask me out or anything, I've never had a boyfriend, and my parents are really strict about boyfriends and things, (I'm in year 8) what should I tell him if he does? I don't wanna upset him..

My dog won't stop pooping in the house... Help >,<?

every time he poops outside give him/her a treat and praise her so she/he would no that if she uses outside she would get a treat, and if she uses it inside punish him/her so she would no that if she uses it outside she would get a treat and if she uses inside he/she would get in trouble.

Is this a speech impediment?

Why do certain people say "ax" instead of "ask"? I've even seen this issue addressed on the show "Seventh Heaven". I know certain people can't say "r"s or "j"s. Is this something like that?

Will there be a new xbox coming out next year?

No there will not be a new Xbox next year. The only new gen system next year will be the Wii U. The new Xbox or Play Station is probably 2 years away.

How do I take care of little boys?

I agree with the above poster- be all about fun and laughs and jokes and having a good time, but if things get out of hand then turn to the serious mode and say, "Guys, let's knock it off. We can't be fighting here." or something like that. Once everyone is back on track then you can become the fun guy again. Boys this age like to push the boundaries a little but it's not typically out of being bad or mean. They are just hyper-interested in physical stuff and talking about who is stronger than whom etc. And they LOVE immature humor, even if it's a little bit low brow, that's okay!

My "so called" close friend is being selfish :/ help?

it was her 1 year anniversary last saturday. So she wanted me to come and i did. Beairng in mind, my sister is being so over protective with me and is giving me strict boundaries. The fact that my sister gave me the opportunity to go out that day was really amazing and i didnt wanna mess up so i decided to come home earlier/ the time she told me to come which was at 5. Normally us friends would go home at 6pm. Well, the day came and i was so greatful that my sister allowed me to come. I was going through such a hard time anyways at home bearing in mind my situation with my sister so it took me a while to beg my sister to let me out. We went to the cinemas and watched a movie, then ate together. By the time we finished those two activities, it was 4.45. By the time we walked it out it was 5.00 and my friend and her bf wanted to go to do an activity *i wnt mention what* and wanted me and my other friends to come along with them but i mentioned to her politely : im sorry but i need to go home.So do my other friends. You need to understand my situation with my family and i dont wanna let them down and disobey them behind their backs. I was here for pretty much the whole day anyways and my curfew is at 5.00 and that activity will take up to i hour and ive rinsed my cahs anyways!" So then me and my other friends made our way home. One day later, my friend told my other male friend that we wernt there for her, we done her over, we didnt listen to them etc etc.... she even put a picture of herself and put everyones name on it but not mine :S she knows how close me and her were. we always took pictures together. Tbh i did get quite hurt when i saw that because id expected her to understand out of everyone because she knows that my family are being protective over me and the fact that they allowed me to go out was an absolute reward! My friend even wrote a status on fb saying : im glad i have a few friends because good friends come and go" etc etc... i dont remember all of it. ITS SO FRUSTRATING BECAUSE WHEN SHE WAS GOING THROUGH HELL - WHO WAS THERE FOR HER? - MEEE!!!!!! :\ IM NOT EVEN BOASTING, ITS JUST REALLY HURTFUL AND FRUSTRATING :/ shes being so stubborn. Guys, any help? xx

Im i shy or autistic?

Definitely shy, people with autism don't tend to ask these sort of questions or be too aware of their surroundings or of themselves. Don't worry, not everyone's social, don't let peer pressure make you think otherwise just be yourself whether it's by yourself in your room or out socializing.

Who determines if it is a speech impediment in military ?

Some jobs in military says no speech impediment but who determines if it's a speech impediment I talk different then most but my doctor never said I had a speech impediment so who decides if you have one in military

Why do boys not wear collars and ties nowadays?

In the 1940s/50s, it was part of a boy aged 8-18s usual clothing. Why do boys not wear ties anymore. I think that parents should be stricter on their sons. I know some cinema's are starting a 'all males must wear a tie' rule. I think that this is a good idea, because it will encourage young boys to wear ties. Boys should wear ties as an everyday item.

I fail at school what to do?

Hi yahoo answers. So I have a serious issue here and need help. Im currently a junior in high school and I'm doing horrible here in second semester. I currently have a D+ in physics and C's in Spanish and geometry. I don't know whats happening. I spend a few hours a day studying and I still fail on tests and quizzes. I have a tutor. Also during spanish kids laugh at me and tell me I'm stupid cause I can not speak the language. I have a speech impediment and dyslexia and ADD. My parents are mad at me, as they should be. It has gotten so bad that I have had thoughts of suicide. I know I will never do it but I just think to myself how life would be if I just end it. I'm falling behind in my classes. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to end up in community college which would mark me as a complete failure.

If a child is born with hearing loss enough so that they can only just lip read but not enough to speak...?

I know a boy who was born like this and got a cochelear transplant when he was 5. He talks kinda funny and some people, sadly, call him a retard because of it. But from what I can see he's pretty normal. :)

Why is it that MW3 didn't have a multiplayer demo available at E3 and Battlefield 3 did?

Is Activision and Infinity Ward not so confident in their product that they have to hide it till the day it comes out? Why is it that Battlefield 3's multiplayer gameplays are available on youtube but MW3 doesn't? Makes me feel really weird about MW3. I have been a big COD fan but I'm really starting to question myself. Anybody feels the same or thoughts? (I just started my first Battlefield game 1 week ago!:battlefield bad company 2 & I have been a COD player since MW2) Initially I had my money on MW3's preorder but lately I've been leaning towards BF3 now. I go to school so I can't get too which would be way too much time consuming.

Where can I watch the E3 2011?

I missed this years E3 (vacation) so I really want to see it, someone know where I can watch the full e3, not just one trailer or press conference, I want to see the whole E3 if it's possible. Thank You

Needs Help With Super Asian Parents!!!!!!!!?

So i am on summer break, im going into 7th grade soon. And now my super asian parents are taking every entertainment i have (1) and making me study 24/7 in-till school is back. They are making me study algebra and other stuff even though i have no clue on what the school is teaching us next year. So yeah they are really strict and they dont care if i overload my brain with all this educational crap. So what do i do to tell them i dont need this? PLZ HELP!!!!

Friend who is always negative?

I have a friend just like that and I was tired of always feeling bad about myself afterwords when we would hang out and she would say negative things to me or about other people all the time. I just decided to cut off dealing with her and I'm much better off for it.

Do you need a Certificate of Non-Impediment when a German marries an American?

In some countries you need to bring a Certificate of Non-Impediment, meaning something that states that you're not married and are free to get married. Does the US not require such a Certificate before having a German (single) person marry a divorced (proved with final divorce degree) American person? I mean, is a marriage without a Certificate of Non-Impediment still a valid marriage or would the German then still be considered to be single??? I hope my question makes sense to anybody who can answer this!

Friday, July 15, 2011

OMG Tes Oblivion Just Screwed Me Over! LOL?

I'm looking forward to skyrim, but **** in my pants when i think of battlefield 3. I want skyrim cuz of its awesome graphics, huge AI improvements and along with much needed combat improvements.

Would you date a guy with a speech impediment ?plz answer?

i think its cute :$ of course, the main thing is you treat us right, a nice guy that stutters is ESPECIALLY cute i reckon, i wouldnt mind at all, the right girl for you will look beyond that, :D xx

How do I get rid of my annoying voice?

When I was in middle school, everyone told me I had an annoying squeaky loud voice. Than I just started lowering my voice and eventually I got rid of it.

My best friend is really depressed but i cant help her?

why doesnt she maybe apologise to your parents. explain why she did what she did and show genuine remorse and will to change. are your parents just known for being relentless? we are all human. your friend feels like that now, but she will be okay. you HAVE to tell someone about how she feels though. someone older. think of someone who will help. even her parents.

Memory loss for young people?

I am only 17 and I don't remember some things i know its normal to forget things but i do have a speech impediment i was wondering if that has anything to do with it or not

What is wrong with me? plz help?

for the past few months i felt everything i do is worthless.. today i got 200mil in rs which i bought (163$).. then i later got scammed and i felt i just waited 600dhs and feel sosad.... ok this isn't the big issue in y i think my life is usless...alot ofother teenagers r having fun out there.... im always at home... the same thing everyday. When i get up.. i go on the laptop and thats basically it. before i used to out tothismall"dubai mall" it was fun... i felt there was something worth it then.. cuz i could show off.. and alotof boys stared at me.. now i do nothing i feel like a slob.. i keep thinking if i stop eating and start being aneroxic ill feel theres something worth livin..plz im crying now plz help me idk wats the point of anything..already had a traumatic life cuz my father had another wife besides mg mum for 11 years.. now idk...idk wat to do.... i dont talk to boys online..cuz im not intrested... i just watch movies... sometimes thtsnot enuf...ieat cerealwith my movie even tho ishud stop eating and i think it willmake me feeel better but itdoesnt....... HELP me plzzz ... iwant tofeel theres soemthing worth living... for something tolook forward to everyday/.. but there isnt anymore plz help... i used to go out with my bff butnow we dont talk anymore... sonow i dont goout anywhere... i have many friends at skool but parents r yea PLZ HELP ME! I WANT TO STOP FEELING LIKE THIS LIKE THERES NOTHING THERE Y IM HERE... IM A SOUL IN THIS BODY..BUTY DIDN'T GOD PUT ME IN ANOTHER BODY... A BODY... WITH FRIENDS... INSTEAD OF THIS BODY WHO WAS DESTINED WITH A PHYSOTI C FAMILY

What to do if you have a speech impediment that hinders your relationship with your parents?

I have a speech impediment that hinders my ability to communicate fluently. The issue that I'm having is with my parents as they never seem to want to talk to me and I feel as if they are ashamed of me cause I am not a talkative person. My younger sister, however, who is more fluent than I am, usually gets more of the attention from my parents and whenever I'm around I feel as if I'm not wanted there. I've tried talking to them, but they either tell me to stop worrying about it or they just ignore the problem (and me) altogether.

What's my voice type according to my range? What's the average vocal range for someone my age?

You have three octaves, which is a very big range for any singer regardless of age. More important than a big vocal range is where your singing is the most comfortable. You comfortable range from F3 to D5 suggests that you're a mezzo-soprano.

Do I have spoonerisms? ?

I get words mixed around all the time and it's really frustrating. For example; I say things like this all the time: I may say my hoot furts (my foot hurts) or pan I have a coptart? (can I have a poptart) What is this impediment called?

What can my mom do about my disrespectful brother? he always stresses her out and makes me uncomfortable?

She needs to kick him out--he will never grow up at this pace. Talk to your school counselor and a very good friend or relative. If he doesn't go she can call the police. They will move him out.

I need help please! :[!!!!?

My dad is a really strict guy and never lets me go anywhere unless its to a girls house, im 16 by the way. I went to my boyfriends house and said that i was going to that girls house when i really wasnt so i basically lied to my parents. My dad does read my text messages so he will eventually find out that i have been going to my boyfriends house. Its summer and he lives a good 30 minutes away and i dont understand why i cant ride my bike to see him. when he finds out he will be soo upset and i will be grounded for the whole summer. I just really love my bf ( of 2 years) My mom did catch me riding my bike at like 8 am and she asked me where i was going and i told her that the girl hasnt got up yet and im just riding around and she believed me... Im kinda scared and upset :/

Who thinks this is jacked up?

I was watching mw3 gameplay on e3 and I saw the freedom tower in it. So I looked it up on gamespot and saw what a person said "Watch it be destroyed. And you play as the Russian that hijacks a plane and crashes it into the building lol". I got really mad when I read it. Who ales think this is ****** up


You have every reason to live. Be strong and plan things out to go away. Killing is never the answer.

My boyfriend tried to..... after his big game!? HELP?

u need to be careful and save that text NO MATTER what in case he rapes u and denies it. guys will tell you whatever u want to hear to get what they want. he may be a great guy but it sounds like his hormones r out of control. u are not ready to go any further than kissing. don't be alone around him until he gets it thru his thick head that u r a respectable girl who wants to take things slowly!

How to find sacramento, ca health codes for small businesses?

I recently got a job at a privately owned deli and I use to work at taco bell then a major grocery store. Since i started at this place ive notice i have to quit all my habits from the other places. this place is so unsanitary. is that jus how i feel cus chains are stricter?

How easy is it for a 14 year old boy 2 get weed in turkey?

im goin 2 turkey this summer and i need 2 know were and how easy it is 2 get weed there, im nowwhere near istanbul so dnt awnser that and are the police as strict on minores

Alaska Weddings and Residents?

Not just wishful thinking. Every adult can receive a special license to commission a marriage ceremony of a friend/family member. They get this permit from the state to perform one marriage ceremony. I know many people who have commisioned a marriage ceremony or have had friends/family perform the ceremony (including my sister who had our father commission her second marriage, uncle whose cousin commissioned his, and close friend whose oldest brother did hers).

Why do illegal immigrants get government handouts?

i don't see why they get government aid and their kids get into collage much easier then normal american kids.. it pisses me off that a lot of them get away with it too! if we crossed over into mexico (who would want to) but just an example. legal americans would get in way more trouble then they do. if they do get caught all they get is a slap on the wrist sent back over where they can just cross back over again. I think they should start getting MUCH stricter laws on this

Ladies need some advice!!!!?

He's possessive about u... ur in a good relationship.... dont do anything that makes ur bf unhappy... he's doing what most guys do...just make sure he wont cheat on u.

How do the words 邪魔 and drama have resemblance to each other from different languages?

They almost mean the same thing but have completely different meanings. 邪魔 in Japanese is pronounced jama and it means way, interference, hindrance, obstacle, intrusion, obstruction, impediment, deterrent, hitch, restriction, restraint, and encumbrance and drama is kind of like that. In drama, 2 characters want something of the opposite character. One wants one thing and another one wants another thing and in stories, there's always a protagonist and an antagonist. So could it be that 邪魔 and drama have some resemblance to each other basically because the word 邪魔 (jama) can be pronounced just by dropping the jr sound on the first two letters dr in drama and you get the sound of jama? The Chinese word is irrelevant and it means demon because its pronunciation is totally not almost exactly the same anywhere. These 2 words rhyme in English and Japanese and in Chinese, it's pronounced as xiémó.

So i am now alittle over 200 pounds, 6 foot, benching 240, feel strong...?

alittle over 200 pounds, 6 foot, benching 240, squatting 405, deadlifting 420. I feel very strong. But still when I look in the mirror im not happy i feel like unproportioned. Im going on vacation on august 1st. Id like to know if I stay very dedicated to a strict diet, and do alot of core and my regular lifting (more core workouts)... would i slim down? im looking to get to about 180... 190, although i really dont think weight matters. thanks (:

Could you proof read my cover letter?

It does look good, I see no grammatically errors right away, but I would definitely shorten it. Most employers just don't have time to read a long cover letter. If you need more editing or writing help, visit my website or e-mail me directly at: Hope this helps!

How can I talk to people without being so shy?

Maybe try to picture one of your good friends when a stranger talks to you? I have the same problem and I haven't found anything that works for me so I dunno what you can do. :x

I had a speech impediment as a young child, and it only shows up when I very mad.?

I had a speech impediment when I was very young. I was in speech from 3 years of age to 14, and the only time it show is when I am very mad. Most of the time I have a southern drawl, but the thing is I really want my tongue pierced. Would the tongue piercing make my impediment worse? would it help it any?

In your opinion, at which point in American History did the Political Left become intrinsically "traitorous"?

At what point in America's (recent?) history did the Left disavow patriotism and classical American values and begin to perceive America as both inherently evil and an impediment to world peace?

What are your opinions on a deaf person deciding to become voice-off?

Do Not Go Voice Off !! what ever You have , fight to keep it. go the other way around get in use with the people whom believe You are not deaf...

My dad is overprotective about dating, what should I do?

Try to hang with your boyfriend in public enviroments with other friends for awhile so your parents won't get the wrong idea. Just tell them your relationship is not serious yet but you'd like to see how things go, because I think 15/16 is a good age to start dating! At least not seriously! Let your dad cool down and try to tell your mother and try to get her to talk to your father xx

How do you play assassin's creed brotherhood DLC?

I downloaded assassin's creed brotherhood copernicus conspiracy off psn from the e3 category. I downloaded it and then installed it but how do i play it? Its not in the PS3 game files on the system and when i play my brotherhood game i cant find it. Is there a certain place i have to go in the game like a memory sync?

Lacrosse head recommendations?

hey I am an experienced attackmen and I'm looking for an upgrade I've narrowed my choices down to the gait torque brine clutch and brine e3 if you have one or have ever used one please let me know what you would recommend thanks in advance

How realistic would it be to drop about 10% body fat in 15 weeks?

I am considering doing a Bikini competition in the end of September. Next week, I hope to start extreme strict diet and working out 6 days a week, intensely. With a routine like this, how likely do you think it would be for me, a 5'8'' 150 girl with about 22% body fat (according to the calculators online, I do have a lot of muscle), to drop to about 12% for the competition?

Why should I buy a ps3?

I'm not interested in blue-ray. I already have an Xbox 360 with xbox live gold and i know psn sucks compared to it. So is there any real reason for me to get one? the only reason i would want it is because of the ps3 exclusives they have and the web browsing which i think Microsoft basically announced they were getting web browsing on the xbox 360 at the E3 press conference. So should i get one?

Do you think that porting Minecraft to Xbox 360 and Xperia is a step in the wrong direction for the game?

Now, it has been shown that Minecraft will soon be released for the Xperia and there has also been news at E3 that it will be ported to Xbox. Personally, I think the gameplay would be to clunky for the Xperia. You also wouldn't be able to do everything on Minecraft for Xbox and Xperia as you can do on the computer: Multiplayer typing commands and simple ease of accesablility to the menus and features of the game. So what do you guys think? Is this a step backwards, forwards, or did it not hurt or help the game at all. Personally I think it's a step backwards. Why spend all this time porting it when you could be putting out updates that will keep the current fanbase interested and porting when the game gets officially released?

Please help with fears of death and infinty ?

I was born into a Christian family, but they weren't that strict. I went to a private school, and it wasn't until high school that I started thinking that God and an afterlife may not be real, and there might be nothing waiting for us after death. The past few years, I have had anxiety attacks for short times about re idea of not existing for eternity, but about a month ago I had a similar attack but of a higher magnitude. Thought it would just pass when o woke up like usuall, but now I can't get the thought out of my head. It has become an obsessive though that eats away at me and stresses me out. Right now it is the summer and during the day I am alone with my thoughts. I can't figure out if it is death or the idea of infinity that scare me more. Im only 16, but these ideas are really freaking me out. I guess what I'm looking for is something I can believe in that happens after we die.

Financial advice/debt consolidation/refinancing ?

my husband & i have about 5000 dollars in credit card debt. he is the only one working im unable to find a job that suites the hours im able to work. well we purchased a house in may & walked into it with about 80,000 dollars in equity we currently have a 5.74 interest rate. were considering refinancing but were not sure if its to soon to do. we would take out more than 5000 if we refinanced maybe around 10,000 to do some much needed updates to the house. if we don't refinance does debt consolidation hurt your credit? my credit is trash right now because i put my credit cards off to keep his up due to his job being strict on credit issues. i bring in 320 dollars under the table doing yardwork. any advice or options? i just mainly want the credit cards done it would be such a relief! thanks in advanced! last we checked my husbands credit score was around 600 between 624-650

Why does Naruto always say "Dattebayo" in the Japanese anime?

I've began noticing it a few months ago, then picked up on it every time he said it. I even checked the word he was saying on the subtitles, and it's different every time . . . . . Is it like a speech impediment or something? None of the other characters say it . . . . o.O

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don't notice speech impediment.?

Apparently I have a speech impediment but I can't notice it. My words sound fine in my head but to everybody else it's difficult to interpret. I know I shouldn't care what other people think but it's kind of annoying when I have to repeat myself multiple times; and even then they sometimes won't get it. I'm 20 and am not sure which approach to clearing it up. I tried doing a voice practice thing my communications professor gave me but it didn't work too well.

With all this MW3 leked information coming out, what would you like to see?

Because of E3 being this week, all sorts of info about MW3 is coming out. What perks would you like to see? Killstreaks? Which "Big 3 of 3's" are you going to get, MW3 Battlefield 3, or Uncharted 3?

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Kinect?

I saw during coverage of E3 that the new GR will be compatible with Kinect, but they did not go into it. My questions is if I want to play the Kinect one but also want to use the controller sometimes, would I have to purchase two different games (one Kinect, one not) or are they able to do it on just one?

Can you use your original Nintendo Wii with the new Wii U?

please only answer if you actually know. i saw some videos from E3, and the new system uses a touch pad controller, and a Wii system. I have the original Nintendo Wii. Do you need to buy a new Wii system, and the touch pad controller? or do you just need to buy the touch pad controller? and does anyone know how much it will cost?

How do I get a relationship now?

I am going into 10th grade. I got suspended. I am not going back to school until January. I am use to dating all the time. I have been single for 3 months. My parents are really strict. I do not get to hangout with guys much. Since I can't meet anybody at school for a long time. How can I get a guy? I got a phone, but right now I can only hangout with a few people, so it is very hard to find guys. Does anyone know how I could get a long time boyfriend? I'm not aloud to get on facebook since I got grounded. To much "drama." I use to kiss a lot. So I am have withdraws. I NEED a guy, I can hangout with a lot, without going to school!?

Is E3 an abnormal note for a soprano?

with training, many sopranos can hit that note. Not many can use it outside the studio since it is an extreme low note. Those that can are perhaps the exception to the rule. In standard chorus or opera literature, no soprano needs to sing that low. A mezzo or an alto, rarely.

Parents:what would you have done in this situation?

I would have told the little girl "God makes people in every shape, size etc and that it was rude and mean for her to pick on the little girl for something she cannot control. It would be like someone picking on you because of your hair color or the fact you are a girl". Probably would have poked the dad and woke him up seeing as it is the parents responsibility to watch their own kids.

Need help creating a video collage. Any info?

I am creating a collage of E3 videos. I've used Windows Movie Maker 2.6 and AVS video editor so far and liking both but can't get what I want out of either. Movie maker has the effects I want and AVS has the ability to edit videos by seconds not chunks like movie maker. Are there any programs that will allow me to do all of those? All I really want out of movie maker is the old movie projector look where its black and white and looks bit scrambled. AVS doesnt have that effect from what I've seen. Any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

Nintendo Wii U, any specs out there?

Nothing official, but the reports coming from third parties suggest it is somewhere between equal with the PS3 and 50% more powerful.

IPod Touch calendar color scheme...?

You assign a different color to each calendar (Birthdays, Work, etc.), and assign an event to a specific calendar when you first create that new event.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is anyone a strict Vegan, do you ever crave non Vegan things?

personally i am not vegan but vegetarian so i do not count but the reason for being vegan makes the difference if you are vegan for animal rights and not for health reason the fall from the table is different. animal rights could crave it but probably would not admit it to themselves if they did but the vegan by diet is more apt to crave it and wish for the past but the health reasons should keep them from falling into a relapse of things not wrong to eat but not as healthy for you and your heart and blood.

PLEASE READ PLEASE! Ex gf walked out of my life. The heart ache hurts?

I can't blame her for leaving, I was gone for 3 years and I didn't even get to see her once all we did was talk on the phone, but I couldn't see her because I had to take care of my 3 little siblings while my single mother goes to work while working part time at starbucks when I have time. I love her and i know without a doubt that she loves me. But on saturday that night she said she wanted a "normal relationship" with someone thats there with her and she said I couldn't give her that. I know im 18 and she's 19 but we were friends eversince 7th grade. and we started going out in 9th grade. I love this girl with all my heart. But life kicked me in the big time when I found out we were moving in october in 2008. She said she would always love me and we can make it and I honestly thought I could. When she said she was leaving she said she was tired of waiting. I love this girl so much that everytime she says she loves me I forget to breathe and its the same with her. I just couldn't see her because I have no license because my mom goes to work and I have no transportation, and nethier does she because her parents are strict. I tried to txt her yesterday sayin that "I love u and I always will babe, nd if walking out of my life makes happy you happy then im happy." and she hasn't texted back since. All I want is to hear say she loves me again. All I want to do is hold her in my arms and never let it go. Eversince she left I've been crying 4 times a day and im almost to tears while writing this. I miss her so much. like yesterday I don't normally listen to country music but I was listening to The dance by Garth Brooks for nearly over four hours. I can't get her out of my head. and I can't move on. At my new neighborhood I've tried going out with other girls but I can't because Im trully in love with my ex. Idk what to do

Will gamestop let you change your preorder to another game?

i pre recently pre ordered modern warfare 3 from gamestop for 60 bucks but i saw the e3 gameplay of it and i dont want it anymore is there anyway i can go up there and ask them to change the pre order to battlefield 3?

I thought E3 is not open to the public?

I'm confused. If E3 is not open to the general public, who are all these people I see on G4 that are dressed up in costumes? And I also see a lot of people in t-shirts and/or wearing backpacks. Are those people the ones that work in the gaming industry? If so, shouldn't they dress a little more professionally than a t-shirt?

Does speech therapy really help fix my speech impediment?

i just watched The Kings Speech, apparently it does. I would think so too, there are trained speech therapists who study that kind of stuff. check this out torrentz(.eu) it's like google. search for The Kings Speech. It's a pretty good movie. I think you'll really like it.

What can I wear to a nuclear power plant energy place?

I'm going to the indian head point energy place in new york, and they're really strict on their dress code, I have absolutely no idea what to wear, we're not allowed to wear sneakers or like flats or anything, what the heck am I supposed to wear? I'm a 14 year old girl btw!

Need some help (staying the night at someone's house soon)?

You are stressing out way too much(: just be proper wear a skirt if you want use manners and who cares if you pee at her house and if her brother is a creeper then just ignore it and don't think about and I guess you don't NEED juice or soda just ask for water unless they offer soda or juice and breakfest, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I'm always really sweet an nice to my friends parents so now I'm their favorite daughters friend. I guess you could asked to leave the table and for dinner if the pizza noodles, I think you should try it and I'd you don't like it ask her parents if you could have a sandwhich or something but just don't worry about it and who cares if the girl is "weird" just be nice(: besides everyone needs a nice friend(: good luck just relax(;

New xbox360 dashboard?

A new xbox360 dashboard was announed at e3. It has youtube and bing support. I have two qustions. 1. Is this dashboard available to people without kinect??? 2. When do we get this new dashboard???

PS4, XBOX 720, OR WII U?

Well at e3 2011 nintendo released the wii u an hd nintendo console with a hdmi slot. sony announced they're are working on the PS4 and idk about xbox... to me PS4 is gonna be the best out of the bunch!

My boyfriend tried to................ after his big game!?

I think you guys shouldn't worry about it! He was just excited about winning the game, and as he said in his text he realizes that he went to far. I think that you should text back and say that you accept his apology but you need some space for a little and that you love him too! Don't be mad at him because his text proved a lot and seems like an awesome guy :) ps my names jena too! Lol :)

How to convince my parents to let me go to london?

Hey :D I'm 14 and I want to go to london to see this slipknot exhibition however it would be awkward if my mom was there because I'm meeting my boyfriend there. Don't say I'm to young because i'm not :3 I properly love him and he loves me <3 Anyway It will be really awkward if my moms there but what do i say to here P.S moneys not a problem and shes usually not strict :D Btw I live in england about 2 hours away from london :D